Alberto Alonso-Fradejas
Alberto Alonso-Fradejas
Wageningen University. Rural Sociology Group
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Anything but a Story Foretold: Multiple Politics of Resistance to the Agrarian Extractivist Project in Guatemala
A Alonso-Fradejas
Journal of Peasant Studies 42 (3-4), 489-515, 2015
Food sovereignty: convergence and contradictions, conditions and challenges
A Alonso-Fradejas, SM Borras Jr, T Holmes, E Holt-Giménez, MJ Robbins
Third World Quarterly 36 (3), 431-448, 2015
Land control-grabbing in Guatemala: the political economy of contemporary agrarian change
A Alonso-Fradejas
Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d'études du …, 2012
Inquiring into the political economy of oil palm as a global flex crop
A Alonso-Fradejas, J Liu, T Salerno, Y Xu
The Journal of Peasant Studies 43 (1), 141-165, 2016
Agrarian Extractivism in Latin America
BM McKay, AA Fradejas, A Ezquerro-Cañete
Routledge, 2021
Contextualising food sovereignty: The politics of convergence among movements in the USA
ZW Brent, CM Schiavoni, A Alonso-Fradejas
Food Sovereignty, 188-207, 2018
Caña de Azúcar y palma africana: combustibles para un nuevo ciclo de acumulación y dominio en Guatemala
A Alonso-Fradejas, F Alonzo, J Dürr
Instituto de Estudios Agrarios y Rurales (IDEAR) and Magnaterra Editores, 2008
The discursive flexibility of ‘flex crops’: comparing oil palm and jatropha
C Hunsberger, A Alonso-Fradejas
The Journal of Peasant Studies 43 (1), 225-250, 2016
China and Latin America: towards a new consensus of resource control?
BM McKay, A Alonso-Fradejas, ZW Brent, S Sauer, Y Xu
Rural Transformations and Agro-Food Systems, 12-31, 2018
‘Leaving no one unscathed’ in sustainability transitions: The life purging agro-extractivism of corporate renewables
A Alonso-Fradejas
Journal of Rural Studies, 2021
The global land grab: A Primer
J Franco, SJ Borras, A Alonso-Fradejas, N Buxton, R Herre, S Kay, ...
Transnational Institute (TNI) Amsterdam, 2013
Converging social justice issues and movements: implications for political actions and research
SM Borras Jr, T Moreda, A Alonso-Fradejas, ZW Brent
Converging Social Justice Issues and Movements, 1-20, 2020
Tierra e Igualdad; Desafíos para la Administración de Tierras en Petén, Guatemala
G - Grünberg, L Grandia, B Milián, A Hurtado, L., Alonso-Fradejas, ...
World Bank, 2012
Plantaciones agroindustriales, dominación y despojo indígena-campesino en la Guatemala del s. XXI
A Alonso-Fradejas, JLC Hub, TC Miranda
Instituto de Estudios Agrarios y Rurales (IDEAR)/Coordinación de ONG y …, 2011
Balance de la aplicación de la política agraria del Banco Mundial en Guatemala (1996-2005)
B Garoz, A Alonso-Fradejas, S Gauster
Guatemala: CONGCOOP, octubre, 2005
Plantaciones agroindustriales, dominación y despojo indígena-campesino en la Guatemala del siglo XXI
A Alonso-Fradejas, JL Caal Hub, T Chinchilla Miranda
Guatemala: IDEAR–CONGCOOP, 2011
'Junk Agroecology': The corporate capture of agroecology for a partial ecological transition without social justice
A Alonso-Fradejas, LF Forero, D Ortega-Espès, M Drago, ...
ATI, TNI, Crocevia, 2020
The Rise of Agro-Extractive Capitalism
A Alonso-Fradejas
Insights from Guatemala in the Early 21st Century. International Institute …, 2018
The ‘tenure guidelines’ as a tool for democratising land and resource control in Latin America
ZW Brent, A Alonso-Fradejas, G Colque, S Sauer
Converging Social Justice Issues and Movements, 141-159, 2020
Perspectivas para la agricultura familiar campesina de Guatemala en un contexto DR-CAFTA
A Alonso-Fradejas, S Gauster
Instituto de Estudios Agrarios y Rurales (IDEAR), Mesa Global y Alianza …, 2006
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Articles 1–20