pradeep aggarwal
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Cited by
Quantifying submarine groundwater discharge in the coastal zone via multiple methods
WC Burnett, PK Aggarwal, A Aureli, H Bokuniewicz, JE Cable, ...
Science of the total Environment 367 (2-3), 498-543, 2006
SOLMINEQ. 88, a computer program for geochemical modeling of water-rock interactions
YK Kharaka
Department of the Interior, US Geological Survey 88 (4227), 1989
Geochemical study of arsenic release mechanisms in the Bengal Basin groundwater
CB Dowling, RJ Poreda, AR Basu, SL Peters, PK Aggarwal
Water Resources Research 38 (9), 12-1-12-18, 2002
How old is streamwater? Open questions in catchment transit time conceptualization, modelling and analysis
JJ McDonnell, K McGuire, P Aggarwal, KJ Beven, D Biondi, G Destouni, ...
Hydrological Processes 24 (12), 1745-1754, 2010
Deuterium excess in precipitation and its climatological significance
K Froehlich, JJ Gibson, PK Aggarwal
Global isoscapes for δ18O and δ2H in precipitation: improved prediction using regionalized climatic regression models
PKA S. Terzer, L. I. Wassenaar, L. J. Araguás-Araguás
Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 17, 4713-4728,, 2013
Proportions of convective and stratiform precipitation revealed in water isotope ratios
PK Aggarwal, U Romatschke, L Araguas-Araguas, D Belachew, ...
Nature Geoscience 9 (8), 624-629, 2016
Isotopes in the water cycle
PK Aggarwal, KFO Froehlich, JR Gat
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 2005
Large groundwater strontium flux to the oceans from the Bengal Basin and the marine strontium isotope record
AR Basu, SB Jacobsen, RJ Poreda, CB Dowling, PK Aggarwal
Science 293 (5534), 1470-1473, 2001
Stable isotope evidence for moisture sources in the Asian summer monsoon under present and past climate regimes
PK Aggarwal, K Fröhlich, KM Kulkarni, LL Gourcy
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (8), 2004
Isotope Hydrology of Groundwater in Bangladesh: Implications for Characterization and Mitigation of Arsenic in Groundwater: a Report on
PK Aggarwal
IAEA, 2000
Stable isotopes in global precipitation: A unified interpretation based on atmospheric moisture residence time
PK Aggarwal, OA Alduchov, KO Froehlich, LJ Araguas‐Araguas, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 39 (11), 2012
Monitoring in situ biodegradation of hydrocarbons by using stable carbon isotopes
PK Aggarwal, RE Hinchee
Environmental Science & Technology 25 (6), 1178-1180, 1991
Stable oxygen and hydrogen isotopes in precipitation
LL Gourcy, M Groening, PK Aggarwal
Isotopes in the water cycle: past, present and future of a developing …, 2005
Origin and residence time of groundwater in the Tadla basin (Morocco) using multiple isotopic and geochemical tools
L Bouchaou, JL Michelot, M Qurtobi, N Zine, CB Gaye, PK Aggarwal, ...
Journal of hydrology 379 (3-4), 323-338, 2009
The Global Network of Isotopes in Rivers (GNIR): integration of water isotopes in watershed observation and riverine research
J Halder, S Terzer, LI Wassenaar, LJ Araguás-Araguás, PK Aggarwal
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (8), 3419-3431, 2015
Enhancing biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons through soil venting
RE Hinchee, DC Downey, RR Dupont, PK Aggarwal, RN Miller
Journal of Hazardous Materials 27 (3), 315-325, 1991
Isotope studies in large river basins: a new global research focus
JJ Gibson, P Aggarwal, J Hogan, C Kendall, LA Martinelli, W Stichler, ...
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union 83 (52), 613-617, 2002
A graphical method to evaluate predominant geochemical processes occurring in groundwater systems for radiocarbon dating
LF Han, LN Plummer, P Aggarwal
Chemical Geology 318, 88-112, 2012
Isotopic variation in Indian Monsoon precipitation: records from Bombay and New Delhi
SK Bhattacharya, K Froehlich, PK Aggarwal, KM Kulkarni
Geophysical Research Letters 30 (24), 2003
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