Dickson K W Chiu
Dickson K W Chiu
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Engaging Asian students through game mechanics: Findings from two experiment studies
KF Hew, B Huang, KWS Chu, DKW Chiu
Computers & Education 92, 221-236, 2016
A meta modeling approach to workflow management systems supporting exception handling
DKW Chiu, Q Li, K Karlapalem
Information Systems 24 (2), 159-184, 1999
Web 2.0 environmental scanning and adaptive decision support for business mergers and acquisitions
RYK Lau, SSY Liao, KF Wong, DKW Chiu
MIS quarterly, 1239-1268, 2012
Exploring undergraduate students’ usage pattern of mobile apps for education
ISH Wai, SSY Ng, DKW Chiu, KKW Ho, P Lo
Journal of Librarianship and Information Science 50 (1), 34-47, 2018
Workflow view driven cross-organizational interoperability in a web service environment
DKW Chiu, SC Cheung, S Till, K Karlapalem, Q Li, E Kafeza
Information Technology and Management 5, 221-250, 2004
Web interface-driven cooperative exception handling in ADOME workflow management system
DKW Chiu, Q Li, K Karlapalem
Information Systems 26 (2), 93-120, 2001
Social media as a platform in academic library marketing: A comparative study
WWH Cheng, ETH Lam, DKW Chiu
The Journal of Academic Librarianship 46 (5), 102188, 2020
Alerts in mobile healthcare applications: requirements and pilot study
E Kafeza, DKW Chiu, SC Cheung, M Kafeza
IEEE Transactions on Information Technology in Biomedicine 8 (2), 173-181, 2004
Requirements elicitation for the design of context-aware applications in a ubiquitous environment
D Hong, DKW Chiu, VY Shen
Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Electronic commerce, 590-596, 2005
Mediating effects on the relationship between perceived service quality and public library app loyalty during the COVID-19 era
VHY Chan, DKW Chiu, KKW Ho
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 67, 102960, 2022
The role of online misinformation and fake news in ideological polarization: barriers, catalysts, and implications
CH Au, KKW Ho, DKW Chiu
Information systems frontiers, 1-24, 2022
From Facebook to Instagram: Exploring user engagement in an academic library
TTW Chan, AHC Lam, DKW Chiu
The Journal of Academic Librarianship 46 (6), 102229, 2020
A three-layer architecture for e-contract enforcement in an e-service environment
DKW Chiu, SC Cheung, S Till
36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2003 …, 2003
Workflow view based e-contracts in a cross-organizational e-services environment
DKW Chiu, K Karlapalem, Q Li, E Kafeza
Distributed and parallel databases 12, 193-216, 2002
Heuristic usability evaluation of university of Hong Kong libraries' mobile website
RHY Fung, DKW Chiu, EHT Ko, KKW Ho, P Lo
The Journal of Academic Librarianship 42 (5), 581-594, 2016
How useful are smartphones for learning? Perceptions and practices of Library and Information Science students from Hong Kong and Japan
Z Dukic, DKW Chiu, P Lo
Library Hi Tech 33 (4), 545-561, 2015
Design of a performance-oriented workplace e-learning system using ontology
H Jia, M Wang, W Ran, SJH Yang, J Liao, DKW Chiu
Expert systems with Applications 38 (4), 3372-3382, 2011
Agent-based negotiation and decision making for dynamic supply chain formation
M Wang, H Wang, D Vogel, K Kumar, DKW Chiu
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 22 (7), 1046-1055, 2009
Analyzing the use of Facebook among university libraries in Hong Kong
ETH Lam, CH Au, DKW Chiu
The journal of academic librarianship 45 (3), 175-183, 2019
Instagram for student learning and library promotions: a quantitative study using the 5E Instructional Model
AHC Lam, KKW Ho, DKW Chiu
Aslib Journal of Information Management 75 (1), 112-130, 2022
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