Olivier Braet
Olivier Braet
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Cooperation models for mobile television in Europe
O Braet, P Ballon
Telematics and Informatics 25 (3), 216-236, 2008
Crowdfunding the movies: A business analysis of crowdfinanced moviemaking in small geographical markets
O Braet, S Spek, C Pauwels
Journal of Media Business Studies 10 (1), 1-23, 2013
Crowdfunding the movies: a business analysis to support moviemaking in small markets
O Braet, S Spek
Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Interactive TV and Video, 221-228, 2010
Business model scenarios for remote management
O Braet, P Ballon
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 2 (3), 62-79, 2007
Business model scenarios for an open service platform for multi-modal electric vehicle sharing
U Buchinger, S Lindmark, O Braet
SMART 2013: The Second International Conference on Smart Systems, Devices …, 2013
Making a success of FTTH learning from case studies in Europe
M Van der Wee, C Mattsson, A Raju, O Braet, BM Sadowski, A Nucciarelli
Journal of the Institute of Telecommunications Professionals 5 (4), 22-31, 2011
On a Balanced Methodology to Evaluate a portfolio of ICT Investments
D Deschoolmeester, O Braet, P Willaert
How to measure the success rate of fiber-based access networks? Evaluation of the Stokab case and comparison to other European cases
M Van der Wee, C Mattsson, A Raju, O Braet, A Nucciarelli, B Sadowski, ...
2011 50th FITCE Congress-" ICT: Bridging an Ever Shifting Digital Divide", 1-6, 2011
Duurzame financieringsmodellen voor Vlaamse televisiefictie
T Raats, T Evens, O Braet, S Ruelens, I Schooneknaep, P Ballon, ...
Onderzoek in opdracht van het Kabinet Media en het Departement Cultuur …, 2014
Strategic design issues of IMS versus end‐to‐end architectures
O Braet, P Ballon
info 9 (5), 44-56, 2007
Evaluation of ERP investments in the Belgian assembly industry
D Deschoolmeester, O Braet
On the five mechanisms for strategic IS alignment
D Deschoolmeester, O Braet
Lowering the barriers for online cross-media usage: Scenarios for a Belgian single sign-on solution
M Komorowski, P Coppens, W Van den Broeck, O Braet
Telematics and Informatics 33 (4), 916-924, 2016
Internet-ability: the feasibility and ability of information technology adoption by SMEs
D Deschoolmeester, O Braet, A Lootens
Proceedings of the 32nd Entrepreneurship Innovation and Small Business …, 2002
Crowdfunding movies: A business model analysis from strategic management studies
O Braet, S Spek, C Pauwels
Handbook of State Aid for Film: Finance, Industries and Regulation, 635-656, 2018
Business model issues for the digital video content industry
O Braet
Private Television in Western Europe: Content, Markets, Policies, 169-181, 2013
Evaluation of the techno-economic viability of smart metering value network configurations based on a consumer oriented approach
J Van Ooteghem, M Tahon, W Degadt, O Braet, S Verbrugge, D Colle, ...
4th Annual conference on Competition and Regulation in Network Industries …, 2011
Business scenarios, challenges and role models for next generation wireless systems and services: the WWI perspective
P Ballon, O Braet, L Galli, U Killström, O Pitkänen, M Stamatelatos
Finds and Results from the Swedish Cyprus Expedition: A Gender Perspective …, 2007
Strategic information systems alignment
D Deschoolmeester, O Braet
Sage Publications, 2004
When Digitizing Content is Not Sufficient: Digital Strategies for the Educational Publishing Sector
K Hoelck, VA Bleyen, O Braet
7th conference of the International Media Management Academic Association …, 2014
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