EAM Fagotto
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Cited by
Optical amplitude multiplexing through four-wave mixing in optical fibers
MLF Abbade, EAM Fagotto, RS Braga, IE Fonseca, E Moschim, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 17 (1), 151-153, 2004
Quaternary optical packets generated by fiber four-wave mixing
MLF Abbade, EAM Fagotto, RS Braga, FR Barbosa, E Moschim, ...
IEEE photonics technology letters 18 (2), 331-333, 2006
All-optical demultiplexing of 4-ASK optical signals with four-wave mixing optical gates
EAM Fagotto, MLF Abbade
Optics Communications 283 (6), 1102-1109, 2010
Histogram based clustering for nonlinear compensation in long reach coherent passive optical networks
I Aldaya, E Giacoumidis, G de Oliveira, J Wei, JL Pita, JD Marconi, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (1), 152, 2020
Amplification of 12× 10 Gb/s WDM signals with negligible FWM crosstalk in a double-pumped fiber optical parametric amplifier
JM Boggio, EAM Fagotto, ME Marhic, FA Callegari, HL Fragnito
Optics Communications 280 (2), 468-471, 2007
All-optical cryptography through spectral amplitude and delay encoding
MLF Abbade, LA Fossaluzza Jr, CA Messani, GM Taniguti, EAM Fagotto, ...
Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications 12 …, 2013
Ultra-broadband two-pump optical parametric amplifier in tellurite waveguides with engineered dispersion
JD Marconi, MLF Abbade, CM Serpa-Imbett, EAM Fagotto
Optics Express 25 (4), 4268-4283, 2017
DSP-based multi-channel spectral shuffling applied to optical networks
MLF Abbade, MP Nogueira, MO Santos, EAM Fagotto, LH Bonani, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 32 (3), 154-157, 2019
Criptografia Óptica Mediante Controle Analógico da Amplitude e do Atraso de Fatias Espectrais: Análise para Sinais NRZ
MLF Abbade, LA Fossaluzza Jr, RF da Silva, EAM Fagotto
Brazilian Microwave and Optoeletronics Society-SBMO, MOMAG, 2012
All-optical phase and delay spectral encoding of signals with advanced modulation formats
MLF Abbade, GH Assis, CJ Alves, CA Messani, EAM Fagotto, M Cvijetic
2014 16th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 1-4, 2014
A new all-optical cryptography technique applied to WDM-compatible DPSK signals
MLF Abbade, CA Messani, CJ Alves, GM Taniguti, IE Fonseca, ...
2013 15th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 1-5, 2013
All-optical generation of quaternary amplitude signals
MLF Abbade, EAM Fagotto, RS Braga, E Moschim, IE Fonseca, ...
Electronics Letters 42 (24), 1416-1417, 2006
Transmission performance of quaternary packet data generated by four-wave mixing multiplexing
MLF Abbade, EAM Fagotto, RS Braga, VI Teles, RM Da Assumpcao, ...
SBMO/IEEE MTT-S International Conference on Microwave and Optoelectronics …, 2005
Impact of wideband wavelength conversion on the performance of optical networks
EAM Fagotto, LH Bonani, SM Rossi, JD Marconi, MLF Abbade, I Aldaya, ...
Optics & Laser Technology 169, 109948, 2024
Design of four-wave mixing frequency-shift-free amplitude regenerators
EAM Fagotto, URC de Miranda, CMT Tobar
Journal of Microwaves, Optoelectronics and Electromagnetic Applications 12 …, 2013
Inserção de Rótulos Ópticos Através da Mistura de Quatro Ondas
MLF Abbade, EAM Fagotto, RS Braga, IE Fonseca, E Moschim, ...
Portuguese, XXI Simpósio Brasileiro de Telecomunicações, 2004
Wavelength-shift-free all-optical 2R regeneration via four-wave mixing
EAM Fagotto, MLF Abbade
IEEE Photonic Society 24th Annual Meeting, 563-564, 2011
Optically generated quaternary packets: Transmission over the kyatera network
MLF Abbade, FP Almeida, FGG Branquinho, EAM Fagotto, RS Braga, ...
LEOS 2006-19th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society …, 2006
Enhancing the Performance of Optical Networks with Route Segmentation and Fiber Augmentation
FADS Tavares, LH Bonani, EADM Fagotto, SM Rossi, MLF Abbade
2023 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (OMN) and …, 2023
Ultra-broadband all-optical wavelength conversion in tellurite waveguides with engineered dispersion
JD Marconi, EAM Fagotto, MLF Abbade
2017 IEEE Photonics Conference (IPC), 607-608, 2017
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Articles 1–20