Florian Weyland
Florian Weyland
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Criticality: Concept to Enhance the Piezoelectric and Electrocaloric Properties of Ferroelectrics
F Weyland, M Acosta, J Koruza, P Breckner, J Rödel, N Novak
Advanced Functional Materials 26 (40), 7326-7333, 2016
Interplay of conventional with inverse electrocaloric response in antiferroelectric materials
N Novak, F Weyland, S Patel, H Guo, X Tan, J Rödel, J Koruza
Physical Review B 97 (9), 094113, 2018
Significantly enhanced room temperature electrocaloric response with superior thermal stability in sodium niobate-based bulk ceramics
Y Yu, F Gao, F Weyland, H Du, L Jin, L Hou, Z Yang, N Novak, S Qu
Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019
Stabilization of Polar Nanoregions in Pb-free Ferroelectrics
A Pramanick, W Dmowski, T Egami, AS Budisuharto, F Weyland, N Novak, ...
Physical Review Letters 120 (20), 207603, 2018
Long term stability of electrocaloric response in barium zirconate titanate
F Weyland, T Eisele, S Steiner, T Frömling, GA Rossetti Jr, J Rödel, ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 38 (2), 551-556, 2018
Comparison of direct electrocaloric characterization methods exemplified by 0.92 Pb (Mg1/3Nb2/3) O3‐0.08 PbTiO3 multilayer ceramics
C Molin, J Peräntie, F Le Goupil, F Weyland, M Sanlialp, N Stingelin, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 100 (7), 2885-2892, 2017
Ultrahigh room temperature electrocaloric response in lead-free bulk ceramics via tape casting
H Du, Y Chang, C Li, Q Hu, J Pang, Y Sun, F Weyland, N Novak, L Jin
Journal of Materials Chemistry C 7 (23), 6860-6866, 2019
Electric field–temperature phase diagram of sodium bismuth titanate-based relaxor ferroelectrics
F Weyland, M Acosta, M Vögler, Y Ehara, J Rödel, N Novak
Journal of materials science 53 (13), 9393-9400, 2018
Fatigue-less electrocaloric effect in relaxor Pb (Mg1/3Nb2/3) O3 multilayer elements
L Fulanović, J Koruza, N Novak, F Weyland, B Malič, V Bobnar
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 37 (15), 5105-5108, 2017
Impact of Polarization Dynamics and Charged Defects on the Electrocaloric Response of Ferroelectric Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 Ceramics
F Weyland, A Bradeško, YB Ma, J Koruza, BX Xu, K Albe, T Rojac, ...
Energy Technology 6 (8), 1519-1525, 2018
Electrocaloric properties and caloric figure of merit in the ferroelectric solid solution BaZrO3–BaTiO3 (BZT)
N Novak, F Weyland, GA Rossetti Jr
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 41 (2), 1280-1287, 2021
Enhancement of Energy Storage Performance by Criticality in Lead‐Free Relaxor Ferroelectrics
F Weyland, H Zhang, N Novak
physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters 12 (7), 1800165, 2018
Tuning of electrocaloric performance in (Ba0. 85Ca0. 15)(Zr0. 1Ti0. 9) O3 by induced relaxor-like behavior
F Weyland, R Hayati, N Novak
Ceramics International 45 (9), 11408-11412, 2019
Thermomechanical Energy Conversion Potential of Lead‐Free 0.50Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8 )O3–0.50(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 Bulk Ceramics
S Patel, A Chauhan, V Rojas, N Novak, F Weyland, J Rödel, R Vaish
Energy Technology 6 (5), 872-882, 2018
Relaxor behavior and electrothermal properties of Sn- and Nb-modified (Ba,Ca)TiO3 Pb-free ferroelectric
S Venkateshwarlu, S Nayak, FP Marlton, F Weyland, N Novak, D Maurya, ...
Journal of Materials Research 35 (8), 1017-1027, 2020
Indirect electrocaloric evaluation: Influence of polarization hysteresis measurement frequency
X Cheng, F Weyland, N Novak, Y Li
physica status solidi (a) 216 (24), 1900684, 2019
Multilayer lead‐free piezoceramic composites: Influence of co‐firing on microstructure and electromechanical behavior
A Ayrikyan, F Weyland, S Steiner, M Duerrschnabel, L Molina‐Luna, ...
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 100 (8), 3673-3683, 2017
Material measures of electrocaloric cooling power in perovskite ferroelectrics
F Weyland, R Perez‐Moyet, GA Rossetti Jr, N Novak
Energy Technology 6 (8), 1512-1518, 2018
Tunable pyroelectricity around the ferroelectric/antiferroelectric transition
S Patel, F Weyland, X Tan, N Novak
Energy Technology 6 (5), 865-871, 2018
Electrocaloric cooling power and long term stability of barium zirconate titanate
F Weyland
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Articles 1–20