Marcel Schubert
Marcel Schubert
Juniorprofessor, University of Cologne
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Efficient charge generation by relaxed charge-transfer states at organic interfaces
K Vandewal, S Albrecht, ET Hoke, KR Graham, J Widmer, JD Douglas, ...
Nature materials 13 (1), 63, 2014
Aggregation in a high-mobility n-type low-bandgap copolymer with implications on semicrystalline morphology
R Steyrleuthner, M Schubert, I Howard, B Klaumünzer, K Schilling, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (44), 18303-18317, 2012
Influence of Aggregation on the Performance of All‐Polymer Solar Cells Containing Low‐Bandgap Naphthalenediimide Copolymers
M Schubert, D Dolfen, J Frisch, S Roland, R Steyrleuthner, B Stiller, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 2 (3), 369-380, 2012
The role of regioregularity, crystallinity, and chain orientation on electron transport in a high-mobility n-type copolymer
R Steyrleuthner, R Di Pietro, BA Collins, F Polzer, S Himmelberger, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (11), 4245-4256, 2014
Photogeneration and recombination in P3HT/PCBM solar cells probed by time-delayed collection field experiments
J Kniepert, M Schubert, JC Blakesley, D Neher
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2 (7), 700-705, 2011
An exciton-polariton laser based on biologically produced fluorescent protein
CP Dietrich, A Steude, L Tropf, M Schubert, NM Kronenberg, K Ostermann, ...
Science Advances 2 (8), e1600666, 2016
Lasing within Live Cells Containing Intracellular Optical Microresonators for Barcode-Type Cell Tagging and Tracking
M Schubert, A Steude, P Liehm, NM Kronenberg, M Karl, EC Campbell, ...
Nano Letters 15 (8), 5647–5652, 2015
Bulk Electron Transport and Charge Injection in a High Mobility n‐Type Semiconducting Polymer
R Steyrleuthner, M Schubert, F Jaiser, JC Blakesley, Z Chen, A Facchetti, ...
Advanced Materials 25 (22), 2799-2803, 2010
Correlated Donor/Acceptor Crystal Orientation Controls Photocurrent Generation in All‐Polymer Solar Cells
M Schubert, BA Collins, H Mangold, IA Howard, W Schindler, K Vandewal, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 24 (26), 4068-4081, 2014
Flexible and ultra-lightweight polymer membrane lasers
M Karl, JME Glackin, M Schubert, NM Kronenberg, GA Turnbull, ...
Nature Communications 9 (1), 1525, 2018
Monitoring contractility in cardiac tissue with cellular resolution using biointegrated microlasers
M Schubert, L Woolfson, IRM Barnard, AM Dorward, B Casement, ...
Nature Photonics 14 (7), 452-458, 2020
Non-obstructive intracellular nanolasers
AH Fikouras, M Schubert, M Karl, JD Kumar, SJ Powis, A di Falco, ...
Nature Communications 9, 4817, 2018
Charge mobility determination by current extraction under linear increasing voltages: Case of nonequilibrium charges and field-dependent mobilities
S Bange, M Schubert, D Neher
Physical Review B 81 (3), 035209, 2010
Mobility relaxation and electron trapping in a donor/acceptor copolymer
M Schubert, E Preis, JC Blakesley, P Pingel, U Scherf, D Neher
Physical Review B 87 (2), 024203, 2013
Fullerene-free polymer solar cells with highly reduced bimolecular recombination and field-independent charge carrier generation
S Roland, M Schubert, BA Collins, J Kurpiers, Z Chen, A Facchetti, H Ade, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 5 (16), 2815-2822, 2014
On the Molecular Origin of Charge Separation at the Donor–Acceptor Interface
G Sini, M Schubert, C Risko, S Roland, OP Lee, Z Chen, TV Richter, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 8 (12), 1702232, 2018
Chain-growth polycondensation of perylene diimide-based copolymers: a new route to regio-regular perylene diimide-based acceptors for all-polymer solar cells and n-type transistors
W Liu, R Tkachov, H Komber, V Senkovskyy, M Schubert, Z Wei, ...
Polymer Chemistry 5 (10), 3404-3411, 2014
The relationship between the electric field-induced dissociation of charge transfer excitons and the photocurrent in small molecular/polymeric solar cells
S Inal, M Schubert, A Sellinger, D Neher
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1 (6), 982-986, 2010
Lasing in Live Mitotic and Non-Phagocytic Cells by Efficient Delivery of Microresonators
M Schubert, K Volckaert, M Karl, A Morton, P Liehm, GB Miles, SJ Powis, ...
Scientific Reports 7, 40877, 2017
Heterojunction topology versus fill factor correlations in novel hybrid small-molecular/polymeric solar cells
M Schubert, C Yin, M Castellani, S Bange, TL Tam, A Sellinger, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 130 (9), 094703, 2009
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