Xiaohua Zhang
Xiaohua Zhang
Huadong Medicine
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Urea-Functionalized M4L6 Cage Receptors: Anion-Templated Self-Assembly and Selective Guest Exchange in Aqueous Solutions
R Custelcean, PV Bonnesen, NC Duncan, X Zhang, LA Watson, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 134 (20), 8525-8534, 2012
Improved protein–ligand binding affinity prediction with structure-based deep fusion inference
D Jones, H Kim, X Zhang, A Zemla, G Stevenson, WFD Bennett, ...
Journal of chemical information and modeling 61 (4), 1583-1592, 2021
A comprehensive docking and MM/GBSA rescoring study of ligand recognition upon binding antithrombin
X Zhang, H Perez-Sanchez, F C. Lightstone
Current topics in medicinal chemistry 17 (14), 1631-1639, 2017
Toward fully automated high performance computing drug discovery: a massively parallel virtual screening pipeline for docking and molecular mechanics/generalized Born surface …
X Zhang, SE Wong, FC Lightstone
Journal of chemical information and modeling 54 (1), 324-337, 2014
Message passing interface and multithreading hybrid for parallel molecular docking of large databases on petascale high performance computing machines
X Zhang, SE Wong, FC Lightstone
Journal of computational chemistry 34 (11), 915-927, 2013
Adverse Drug Reaction Prediction Using Scores Produced by Large-Scale Drug-Protein Target Docking on High-Performance Computing Machines
MX LaBute, X Zhang, J Lenderman, BJ Bennion, SE Wong, FC Lightstone
PloS one 9 (9), e106298, 2014
Oxytocin-receptor binding: why divalent metals are essential
D Liu, AB Seuthe, OT Ehrler, X Zhang, T Wyttenbach, JF Hsu, MT Bowers
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (7), 2024-2025, 2005
A definitive mechanism for chorismate mutase
X Zhang, X Zhang, TC Bruice
Biochemistry 44 (31), 10443-10448, 2005
A massively parallel infrastructure for adaptive multiscale simulations: modeling RAS initiation pathway for cancer
F Di Natale, H Bhatia, TS Carpenter, C Neale, S Kokkila-Schumacher, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2019
Machine learning–driven multiscale modeling reveals lipid-dependent dynamics of RAS signaling proteins
HI Ingólfsson, C Neale, TS Carpenter, R Shrestha, CA López, TH Tran, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (1), e2113297119, 2022
Binding affinity prediction by pairwise function based on neural network
F Zhu, X Zhang, JE Allen, D Jones, FC Lightstone
Journal of chemical information and modeling 60 (6), 2766-2772, 2020
Generalizable coordination of large multiscale workflows: challenges and learnings at scale
H Bhatia, F Di Natale, JY Moon, X Zhang, JR Chavez, F Aydin, C Stanley, ...
Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing …, 2021
ddcMD: A fully GPU-accelerated molecular dynamics program for the Martini force field
X Zhang, S Sundram, T Oppelstrup, SIL Kokkila-Schumacher, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (4), 2020
Discovery of small-molecule inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2 proteins using a computational and experimental pipeline
EY Lau, OA Negrete, WFD Bennett, BJ Bennion, M Borucki, F Bourguet, ...
Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences 8, 678701, 2021
Machine learning-driven multiscale modeling: bridging the scales with a next-generation simulation infrastructure
HI Ingólfsson, H Bhatia, F Aydin, T Oppelstrup, CA López, LG Stanton, ...
Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 19 (9), 2658-2675, 2023
Computational alanine scanning with linear scaling semiempirical quantum mechanical methods
DJ Diller, C Humblet, X Zhang, LM Westerhoff
Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 78 (10), 2329-2337, 2010
Temperature-Dependent Structure of the E·S Complex of Bacillus stearothermophilus Alcohol Dehydrogenase
Zhang, TC Bruice
Biochemistry 46 (3), 837-843, 2007
Quantum mechanical pairwise decomposition analysis of protein kinase B inhibitors: validating a new tool for guiding drug design
X Zhang, AC Gibbs, CH Reynolds, MB Peters, LM Westerhoff
Journal of chemical information and modeling 50 (4), 651-661, 2010
Diels− Alder Ribozyme Catalysis: A Computational Approach
Zhang, TC Bruice
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (4), 1001-1007, 2007
The proficiency of a thermophilic chorismate mutase enzyme is solely through an entropic advantage in the enzyme reaction
X Zhang, TC Bruice
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (51), 18356-18360, 2005
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