Bryan A. McCabe
Bryan A. McCabe
Kiti vardaiBryan McCabe, B. A. McCabe, Bryan Anthony McCabe
Associate Professor in Civil Engineering at University of Galway
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A review of field performance of stone columns in soft soils
BA McCabe, GJ Nimmons, D Egan
Proceedings of ICE Geotechnical Engineering 162 (6), 323-334, 2009
Prediction of pile settlement using artificial neural networks based on standard penetration test data
FP Nejad, MB Jaksa, M Kakhi, BA McCabe
Computers and Geotechnics 36 (7), 1125-1133, 2009
Behavior of axially loaded pile groups driven in clayey silt
BA McCabe, BM Lehane
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering (ASCE) 132 (3), 401-410, 2006
Settlement performance of pad footings on soft clay supported by stone columns: a numerical study
MM Killeen, BA McCabe
Soils and Foundations 54 (4), 760-776, 2014
Dredged marine sediment stabilized/solidified with cement and GGBS: Factors affecting mechanical behaviour and leachability
WL Zhang, LY Zhao, BA McCabe, YH Chen, L Morrison
Science of the Total Environment 726, 138551, 2020
An improved experimental test set-up to study the performance of granular columns
J Black, V Sivakumar, MR Madhav, B McCabe
Geotechnical Testing Journal (ASTM) 29 (3), 193-199, 2006
Experiences of dry soil mixing in highly organic soils
MJ Timoney, BA McCabe, AL Bell
Proceedings of ICE Ground Improvement 165 (1), 3-14, 2012
Ground improvement using the vibro- stone column technique
BA McCabe, JA McNeill, JA Black
Transactions of the Institution of Engineers of Ireland 2006/07, 2007
Appraising stone column settlement prediction methods using finite element analyses
BG Sexton, BA McCabe, J Castro
Acta Geotechnica 9 (6), 993-1011, 2014
An analytical approach for the prediction of single pile and pile group behaviour in clay
BB Sheil, BA McCabe
Computers and Geotechnics 75, 145-158, 2016
Installation effects of vibro replacement stone columns in soft clay
D Egan, W Scott, B McCabe
Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Geotechnics of Soft Soils …, 2008
Stone column settlement performance in structured anisotropic clays: the influence of creep
BG Sexton, BA McCabe, M Karstunen, N Sivasithamparam
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 8, 672-688, 2016
Numerical modelling of the improvements to primary and creep settlements offered by granular columns
BG Sexton, BA McCabe
Acta Geotechnica 8 (4), 447-464, 2013
Relationships between shaft capacity of driven piles and CPT end resistance
BM Lehane, FC Chow, BA McCabe, RJ Jardine
Proceedings of ICE Geotechnical Engineering 143 (2), 93-102, 2000
Field investigation of the effect of installation method on the shaft resistance of piles in clay
K Gavin, D Gallagher, P Doherty, B McCabe
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 47 (7), 730-741, 2010
Experimental investigations of driven pile group behaviour in Belfast soft clay
BA McCabe
PhD thesis, Department of Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering …, 2002
Experiences of utility microtunnelling in Irish limestone, mudstone and sandstone rocks
BB Sheil, BG Curran, BA McCabe
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 51, 326-337, 2016
Empirical correlations for the compression index of Irish soft soils
BA McCabe, BB Sheil, MM Long, FJ Buggy, ER Farrell
Proceedings of ICE Geotechnical Engineering 167 (6), 510-517, 2014
Interpretation of pipe-jacking and lubrication records for drives in silty soil
KG O'Dwyer, BA McCabe, BB Sheil
Underground Space 5 (3), 199-209, 2020
Unsaturated behaviour of a stabilised marine sediment: a comparison of cement and GGBS binders
WL Zhang, BA McCabe, Y Chen, TJ Forkan
Engineering Geology 246, 57-68, 2018
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