Ana Paula Candiota
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Cited by
Multiproject–multicenter evaluation of automatic brain tumor classification by magnetic resonance spectroscopy
JM García-Gómez, J Luts, M Julià-Sapé, P Krooshof, S Tortajada, ...
Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 22, 5-18, 2009
Bioinspired theranostic coordination polymer nanoparticles for intranasal dopamine replacement in Parkinson’s disease
J García-Pardo, F Novio, F Nador, I Cavaliere, S Suárez-García, ...
ACS nano 15 (5), 8592-8609, 2021
Prospective diagnostic performance evaluation of single‐voxel 1H MRS for typing and grading of brain tumours
M Julià‐Sapé, I Coronel, C Majós, AP Candiota, M Serrallonga, M Cos, ...
NMR in biomedicine 25 (4), 661-673, 2012
Dual T1/T2 Nanoscale Coordination Polymers as Novel Contrast Agents for MRI: A Preclinical Study for Brain Tumor
S Suárez-García, N Arias-Ramos, C Frias, AP Candiota, C Arús, ...
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (45), 38819-38832, 2018
DCE@ urLAB: a dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI pharmacokinetic analysis tool for preclinical data
JE Ortuño, MJ Ledesma-Carbayo, RV Simões, AP Candiota, C Arús, ...
BMC bioinformatics 14, 1-17, 2013
Targeting protein kinase CK2: evaluating CX-4945 potential for GL261 glioblastoma therapy in immunocompetent mice
L Ferrer-Font, L Villamañan, N Arias-Ramos, J Vilardell, M Plana, ...
Pharmaceuticals 10 (1), 24, 2017
In vivo proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of intraventricular tumours of the brain
C Majós, C Aguilera, M Cos, À Camins, AP Candiota, T Delgado-Goñi, ...
European Radiology 19, 2049-2059, 2009
MRSI‐based molecular imaging of therapy response to temozolomide in preclinical glioblastoma using source analysis
T Delgado‐Goñi, S Ortega‐Martorell, M Ciezka, I Olier, AP Candiota, ...
NMR in Biomedicine 29 (6), 732-743, 2016
Non-invasive grading of astrocytic tumours from the relative contents of myo-inositol and glycine measured by in vivo MRS
AP Candiota, C Majós, M Julià-Sapé
Journal of the Belgian Society of Radiology 94 (6), 319-329, 2011
Molecular imaging coupled to pattern recognition distinguishes response to temozolomide in preclinical glioblastoma
T Delgado‐Goñi, M Julià‐Sapé, AP Candiota, M Pumarola, C Arús
NMR in Biomedicine 27 (11), 1333-1345, 2014
Metronomic treatment in immunocompetent preclinical GL261 glioblastoma: effects of cyclophosphamide and temozolomide
L Ferrer‐Font, N Arias‐Ramos, S Lope‐Piedrafita, M Julià‐Sapé, ...
NMR in Biomedicine 30 (9), e3748, 2017
Efficient γ-amino-proline-derived cell penetrating peptide–superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticle conjugates via aniline-catalyzed oxime chemistry as bimodal imaging nanoagents
S Cavalli, D Carbajo, M Acosta, S Lope-Piedrafita, AP Candiota, C Arus, ...
Chemical Communications 48 (43), 5322-5324, 2012
Metabolomics of therapy response in preclinical glioblastoma: A multi-slice MRSI-based volumetric analysis for noninvasive assessment of temozolomide treatment
N Arias-Ramos, L Ferrer-Font, S Lope-Piedrafita, V Mocioiu, M Julià-Sapé, ...
Metabolites 7 (2), 20, 2017
A new ex vivo method to evaluate the performance of candidate MRI contrast agents: a proof-of-concept study
AP Candiota, M Acosta, RV Simões, T Delgado-Goñi, S Lope-Piedrafita, ...
Journal of nanobiotechnology 12 (1), 12, 2014
Improving the classification of brain tumors in mice with perturbation enhanced (PE)-MRSI
RV Simões, S Ortega-Martorell, T Delgado-Goñi, YL Fur, M Pumarola, ...
Integrative Biology 4 (2), 183-191, 2012
In Vivo and Ex Vivo Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of the Infarct and the Subventricular Zone in Experimental Stroke
E Jiménez-Xarrié, M Davila, S Gil-Perotín, A Jurado-Rodríguez, ...
Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow & Metabolism 35 (5), 828-834, 2015
Metal-Free Radical Dendrimers as MRI Contrast Agents for Glioblastoma Diagnosis: Ex Vivo and In Vivo Approaches
S Zhang, V Lloveras, S Lope-Piedrafita, P Calero-Pérez, S Wu, ...
Biomacromolecules 23 (7), 2767-2777, 2022
Anti‐tumour immune response in GL261 glioblastoma generated by Temozolomide Immune‐Enhancing Metronomic Schedule monitored with MRSI‐based nosological images
S Wu, P Calero‐Pérez, L Villamañan, N Arias‐Ramos, M Pumarola, ...
NMR in Biomedicine 33 (4), e4229, 2020
Cancer metabolism in a snapshot: MRS (I)
M Julià‐Sapé, AP Candiota, C Arús
NMR in Biomedicine 32 (10), e4054, 2019
Strategies for annotation and curation of translational databases: the eTUMOUR project
M Julià-Sapé, M Lurgi, M Mier, F Estanyol, X Rafael, AP Candiota, ...
Database 2012, bas035, 2012
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Articles 1–20