Jordan A. Guenette, Ph.D.
Jordan A. Guenette, Ph.D.
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ERS statement on respiratory muscle testing at rest and during exercise
P Laveneziana, A Albuquerque, A Aliverti, T Babb, E Barreiro, M Dres, ...
European Respiratory Journal 53 (6), 2019
Inspiratory muscle training attenuates the human respiratory muscle metaboreflex
JD Witt, JA Guenette, JL Rupert, DC McKenzie, AW Sheel
The Journal of physiology 584 (3), 1019-1028, 2007
Respiratory mechanics during exercise in endurance‐trained men and women
JA Guenette, JD Witt, DC McKenzie, JD Road, AW Sheel
The Journal of physiology 581 (3), 1309-1322, 2007
Pulmonary gas exchange abnormalities in mild chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Implications for dyspnea and exercise intolerance
AF Elbehairy, CE Ciavaglia, KA Webb, JA Guenette, D Jensen, ...
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 191 (12), 1384-1394, 2015
Pathogenesis of hyperinflation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
P Gagnon, JA Guenette, D Langer, L Laviolette, V Mainguy, F Maltais, ...
International journal of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 187-201, 2014
Inspiratory capacity during exercise: measurement, analysis, and interpretation
JA Guenette, RC Chin, JM Cory, KA Webb, DE O′ Donnell
Pulmonary medicine 2013 (1), 956081, 2013
Decline of resting inspiratory capacity in COPD: the impact on breathing pattern, dyspnea, and ventilatory capacity during exercise
DE O'Donnell, JA Guenette, F Maltais, KA Webb
Chest 141 (3), 753-762, 2012
Does dynamic hyperinflation contribute to dyspnoea during exercise in patients with COPD?
JA Guenette, KA Webb, DE O’Donnell
European Respiratory Journal 40 (2), 322-329, 2012
Face masks and the cardiorespiratory response to physical activity in health and disease
SR Hopkins, PB Dominelli, CK Davis, JA Guenette, AM Luks, ...
Annals of the American Thoracic Society 18 (3), 399-407, 2021
Pulmonary function and functional capacity in COVID-19 survivors with persistent dyspnoea
A Cortés-Telles, S López-Romero, E Figueroa-Hurtado, YN Pou-Aguilar, ...
Respiratory physiology & neurobiology 288, 103644, 2021
Evidence for dysanapsis using computed tomographic imaging of the airways in older ex-smokers
AW Sheel, JA Guenette, R Yuan, L Holy, JR Mayo, AM McWilliams, S Lam, ...
Journal of Applied Physiology 107 (5), 1622-1628, 2009
Mechanisms of exercise intolerance in global initiative for chronic obstructive lung disease grade 1 COPD
JA Guenette, RC Chin, S Cheng, PB Dominelli, N Raghavan, KA Webb, ...
European Respiratory Journal 44 (5), 1177-1187, 2014
Effects of BMI on static lung volumes in patients with airway obstruction
DE O'Donnell, A Deesomchok, YM Lam, JA Guenette, ...
Chest 140 (2), 461-468, 2011
Does the respiratory system limit exercise in mild chronic obstructive pulmonary disease?
RC Chin, JA Guenette, S Cheng, N Raghavan, N Amornputtisathaporn, ...
American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine 187 (12), 1315-1323, 2013
Sex differences in exercise-induced diaphragmatic fatigue in endurance-trained athletes
JA Guenette, LM Romer, JS Querido, R Chua, ND Eves, JD Road, ...
Journal of Applied Physiology 109 (1), 35-46, 2010
Sex differences in the resistive and elastic work of breathing during exercise in endurance-trained athletes
JA Guenette, JS Querido, ND Eves, R Chua, AW Sheel
American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative …, 2009
Impact of pulmonary rehabilitation on the major dimensions of dyspnea in COPD
K Wadell, KA Webb, ME Preston, N Amornputtisathaporn, L Samis, ...
COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 10 (4), 425-435, 2013
Sex differences in respiratory exercise physiology
AW Sheel, JC Richards, GE Foster, JA Guenette
Sports medicine 34, 567-579, 2004
Physiological consequences of a high work of breathing during heavy exercise in humans
JA Guenette, AW Sheel
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 10 (6), 341-350, 2007
Mechanics of breathing during exercise in men and women: sex versus body size differences?
AW Sheel, JA Guenette
Exercise and sport sciences reviews 36 (3), 128-134, 2008
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