Matsumoto Takuya
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The 3He/4He ratio of the new internal He Standard of Japan (HESJ)
J Matsuda, T Matsumoto, H Sumino, K Nagao, J Yamamoto, Y Miura, ...
Geochemical Journal 36 (2), 191-195, 2002
Lithium isotopic systematics of the mantle-derived ultramafic xenoliths: implications for EM1 origin
Y Nishio, S Nakai, J Yamamoto, H Sumino, T Matsumoto, VS Prikhod’ko, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 217 (3-4), 245-261, 2004
Concomitant occurrence of primordial and recycled noble gases in the Earth’s mantle
T Matsumoto, Y Chen, J Matsuda
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 185 (1-2), 35-47, 2001
Noble gases in anhydrous lherzolites from the Newer Volcanics, southeastern Australia: a MORB-like reservoir in the subcontinental mantle
T Matsumoto, M Honda, I Mcdougall, SY O’Reilly
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 62 (14), 2521-2533, 1998
Noble gases in pyroxenites and metasomatised peridotites from the Newer Volcanics, southeastern Australia: implications for mantle metasomatism
T Matsumoto, M Honda, I McDougall, SY O'Reilly, M Norman, G Yaxley
Chemical Geology 168 (1-2), 49-73, 2000
Continental degassing of 4He by surficial discharge of deep groundwater
PK Aggarwal, T Matsumoto, NC Sturchio, HK Chang, D Gastmans, ...
Nature geoscience 8 (1), 35-39, 2015
Helium, neon and argon isotope systematics in Kerguelen ultramafic xenoliths: implications for mantle source signatures
PJ Valbracht, M Honda, T Matsumoto, N Mattielli, I McDougall, R Ragettli, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 138 (1-4), 29-38, 1996
Tritium in Japanese precipitation following the March 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant accident
T Matsumoto, T Maruoka, G Shimoda, H Obata, H Kagi, K Suzuki, ...
Science of the total environment 445, 365-370, 2013
Plume-like neon in a metasomatic apatite from the Australian lithospheric mantle
T Matsumoto, M Honda, I McDougall, I Yatsevich, SY O'Reilly
Nature 388 (6638), 162-164, 1997
3He/4He ratios in well gases in the Kinki district, SW Japan: surface appearance of slab-derived fluids in a non-volcanic area in Kii Peninsula
T Matsumoto, T Kawabata, J Matsuda, K Yamamoto, K Mimura
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 216 (1-2), 221-230, 2003
Geochemistry of apatite-rich layers in the Finero phlogopite–peridotite massif (Italian Western Alps) and ion microprobe dating of apatite
T Morishita, KH Hattori, K Terada, T Matsumoto, K Yamamoto, M Takebe, ...
Chemical Geology 251 (1-4), 99-111, 2008
Helium in the Archean komatiites revisited: significantly high 3He/4He ratios revealed by fractional crushing gas extraction
T Matsumoto, A Seta, J Matsuda, M Takebe, Y Chen, S Arai
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 196 (3-4), 213-225, 2002
Application of combined 81Kr and 4He chronometers to the dating of old groundwater in a tectonically active region of the North China Plain
Takuya Matsumoto, Zongyu Chen, Wen Wei, Guo-Min Yang, Shui-Ming Hu ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 493, 208-217, 2018
Recycled noble gas and nitrogen in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle: Implications from N-He-Ar in fluid inclusions of SE Australian xenoliths
T Matsumoto, DL Pinti, J Matsuda, S Umino
Geochemical Journal 36 (3), 209-217, 2002
Noble gases in spinel peridotite xenoliths from Mt Quincan, North Queensland, Australia: undisturbed MORB-type noble gases in the subcontinental lithospheric mantle
G Czuppon, T Matsumoto, MR Handler, J Matsuda
Chemical Geology 266 (1-2), 19-28, 2009
Geochemistry of Precambrian carbonate intercalated in pillows and its host basalt: implications for the REE composition of circa 3.4 Ga seawater
K Yamamoto, N Itoh, T Matsumoto, T Tanaka, M Adachi
Precambrian Research 135 (4), 331-344, 2004
Intercomparison of tritium and noble gases analyses, 3H/3He ages and derived parameters excess air and recharge temperature
Visser, A., Fourré, E., Barbecot, F., Aquilina, L., Labasque, T., Vergnaud ...
Applied Geochemistry 50, 130-131, 2014
Noble gases in the Finero phlogopite-peridotites, western Italian Alps
T Matsumoto, T Morishita, J Matsuda, T Fujioka, M Takebe, K Yamamoto, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 238 (1-2), 130-145, 2005
The IAEA's Coordinated Research Project on ``Estimation of Groundwater Recharge and Discharge by Using the Tritium, Helium-3 Dating Technique": In Lieu of a Preface
Takuya Matsumoto, Douglas Kip Solomon, Luis Araguás-Araguás, Pradeep Aggarwal
Geochemical Journal 51, 385-390, 2017
Krypton-81 dating of the deep Continental Intercalaire aquifer with implications for chlorine-36 dating
Takuya Matsumoto, Kamel Zouari, Rim Trabelsi, Darren Hillegonds, Wei Jiang ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 535, 116120, 2020
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Articles 1–20