David Barnett
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Fracture mechanics for piezoelectric ceramics
Z Suo, CM Kuo, DM Barnett, JR Willis
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 40 (4), 739-765, 1992
Dislocations and line charges in anisotropic piezoelectric insulators
DM Barnett, J Lothe
physica status solidi (b) 67 (1), 105-111, 1975
Anisotropic continuum theory of lattice defects
DJ Bacon, DM Barnett, RO Scattergood
Progress in Materials Science 23, 51-262, 1980
Thermal stresses and deposition patterns in layered manufacturing
AH Nickel, DM Barnett, FB Prinz
Materials science and Engineering: A 317 (1-2), 59-64, 2001
Elastic relationships in layered composite media with approximation for the case of thin films on a thick substrate
PH Townsend, DM Barnett, TA Brunner
Journal of Applied Physics 62 (11), 4438-4444, 1987
Synthesis of the sextic and the integral formalism for dislocations, Green's function and surface waves in anisotropic elastic solids
DM Barnett
Phys. Norv. 7, 13-19, 1973
An image force theorem for dislocations in anisotropic bicrystals
DM Barnett, J Lothe
Journal of Physics F: metal physics 4 (10), 1618, 1974
The triple phase boundary: a mathematical model and experimental investigations for fuel cells
R O’Hayre, DM Barnett, FB Prinz
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 152 (2), A439, 2005
Free surface (Rayleigh) waves in anisotropic elastic half-spaces: the surface impedance method
DM Barnett, J Lothe
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical …, 1985
On the existence of surface‐wave solutions for anisotropic elastic half‐spaces with free surface
J Lothe, DM Barnett
Journal of Applied Physics 47 (2), 428-433, 1976
The precise evaluation of derivatives of the anisotropic elastic Green's functions
DM Barnett
Physica status solidi (b) 49 (2), 741-748, 1972
Formation of chiral branched nanowires by the Eshelby Twist
J Zhu, H Peng, AF Marshall, DM Barnett, WD Nix, Y Cui
Nature nanotechnology 3 (8), 477-481, 2008
The fracture mechanics of slit-like cracks in anisotropic elastic media
DM Barnett, RJ Asaro
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 20 (6), 353-366, 1972
Diffusionally modified dislocation-particle elastic interactions
DJ Srolovitz, MJ Luton, R Petkovic-Luton, DM Barnett, WD Nix
Acta Metallurgica 32 (7), 1079-1088, 1984
The non-uniform transformation strain problem for an anisotropic ellipsoidal inclusion
RJ Asaro, DM Barnett
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 23 (1), 77-83, 1975
The elastic strain energy of coherent ellipsoidal precipitates in anisotropic crystalline solids
JK Lee, DM Barnett, HI Aaronson
Metallurgical Transactions A 8, 963-970, 1977
Integral formalism for surface waves in piezoelectric crystals. Existence considerations
J Lothe, DM Barnett
Journal of Applied Physics 47 (5), 1799-1807, 1976
Consideration of the existence of surface wave (Rayleigh wave) solutions in anisotropic elastic crystals
DM Barnett, J Lothe
Journal of physics F: Metal physics 4 (5), 671, 1974
A two-dimensional analysis of surface deformation due to dip-slip faulting
LB Freund, DM Barnett
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 66 (3), 667-675, 1976
Line force loadings on anisotropic half-spaces and wedges
DM Barnett, J Lothe
Physica Norvegica 8 (1), 13-22, 1975
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Articles 1–20