JP Cleveland
JP Cleveland
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A nondestructive method for determining the spring constant of cantilevers for scanning force microscopy
JP Cleveland, S Manne, D Bocek, PK Hansma
Review of scientific instruments 64 (2), 403-405, 1993
Tapping mode atomic force microscopy in liquids
PK Hansma, JP Cleveland, M Radmacher, DA Walters, PE Hillner, ...
Applied Physics Letters 64 (13), 1738-1740, 1994
Energy dissipation in tapping-mode atomic force microscopy
JP Cleveland, B Anczykowski, AE Schmid, VB Elings
Applied Physics Letters 72 (20), 2613-2615, 1998
Measuring the viscoelastic properties of human platelets with the atomic force microscope
M Radmacher, M Fritz, CM Kacher, JP Cleveland, PK Hansma
Biophysical journal 70 (1), 556-567, 1996
Direct visualization of surfactant hemimicelles by force microscopy of the electrical double layer
S Manne, JP Cleveland, HE Gaub, GD Stucky, PK Hansma
Langmuir 10 (12), 4409-4413, 1994
Short cantilevers for atomic force microscopy
DA Walters, JP Cleveland, NH Thomson, PK Hansma, MA Wendman, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 67 (10), 3583-3590, 1996
Normal and torsional spring constants of atomic force microscope cantilevers
CP Green, H Lioe, JP Cleveland, R Proksch, P Mulvaney, JE Sader
Review of Scientific Instruments 75 (6), 1988-1996, 2004
High bandwidth nano-positioner: A robust control approach
S Salapaka, A Sebastian, JP Cleveland, MV Salapaka
Review of scientific instruments 73 (9), 3232-3241, 2002
Molecular nanosprings in spider capture-silk threads
N Becker, E Oroudjev, S Mutz, JP Cleveland, PK Hansma, CY Hayashi, ...
Nature materials 2 (4), 278-283, 2003
Mapping interaction forces with the atomic force microscope
M Radmacher, JP Cleveland, M Fritz, HG Hansma, PK Hansma
Biophysical journal 66 (6), 2159-2165, 1994
How to measure energy dissipation in dynamic mode atomic force microscopy
B Anczykowski, B Gotsmann, H Fuchs, JP Cleveland, VB Elings
Applied Surface Science 140 (3-4), 376-382, 1999
Quantized adhesion detected with the atomic force microscope
JH Hoh, JP Cleveland, CB Prater, JP Revel, PK Hansma
Journal of the American Chemical Society 114 (12), 4917-4918, 1992
Imaging adhesion forces and elasticity of lysozyme adsorbed on mica with the atomic force microscope
M Radmacher, M Fritz, JP Cleveland, DA Walters, PK Hansma
Langmuir 10 (10), 3809-3814, 1994
Studies of vibrating atomic force microscope cantilevers in liquid
TE Schäffer, JP Cleveland, F Ohnesorge, DA Walters, PK Hansma
Journal of applied physics 80 (7), 3622-3627, 1996
Finite optical spot size and position corrections in thermal spring constant calibration
R Proksch, TE Schäffer, JP Cleveland, RC Callahan, MB Viani
Nanotechnology 15 (9), 1344, 2004
High-speed tapping mode imaging with active Q control for atomic force microscopy
T Sulchek, R Hsieh, JD Adams, GG Yaralioglu, SC Minne, CF Quate, ...
Applied Physics Letters 76 (11), 1473-1475, 2000
Noninvasive determination of optical lever sensitivity in atomic force microscopy
MJ Higgins, R Proksch, JE Sader, M Polcik, S Mc Endoo, JP Cleveland, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 77 (1), 2006
Tapping-mode atomic force microscopy study of the near-surface composition of a styrene-butadiene-styrene triblock copolymer film
SN Magonov, J Cleveland, V Elings, D Denley, MH Whangbo
Surface Science 389 (1-3), 201-211, 1997
Analysis of the interaction mechanisms in dynamic mode SFM by means of experimental data and computer simulation.
B Anczykowski, JP Cleveland, D Krüger, V Elings, H Fuchs
Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing 66 (7), 1998
Imaging globular and filamentous proteins in physiological buffer solutions with tapping mode atomic force microscopy
M Fritz, M Radmacher, JP Cleveland, MW Allersma, RJ Stewart, ...
Langmuir 11 (9), 3529-3535, 1995
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