Aparecido Carlos Goncalves
Aparecido Carlos Goncalves
Other namesGONÇALVES, A. C.; Gonçalves, Aparecido Carlos; Gonçalves, Aparecido C.; Carlos Gonçalves, Aparecido;
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Cited by
Metallic powder injection molding using low pressure
AC Gonçalves
Journal of materials processing technology 118 (1-3), 193-198, 2001
Probabilistic prognostics and health management of energy systems
S Ekwaro-Osire, AC Gonçalves, FM Alemayehu
Springer International Publishing, 2017
Application and discussion of various crack closure models to predict fatigue crack growth in 6061-T651 aluminium alloy
V Ribeiro, J Correia, G Lesiuk, A Gonçalves, A De Jesus, F Berto
International Journal of Fatigue 153, 106472, 2021
Predictive maintenance of a reducer with contaminated oil under an excentrical load through vibration and oil analysis
AC Gonçalves, JBC Silva
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering 33, 1-7, 2011
Maintenance of a reducer by vibration and wear particles analysis
A Carlos Gonçalves, R Carvalho Cunha, D Fabiano Lago
Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 12 (2), 118-132, 2006
Prognosis and fail detection in a dynamic rotor using artificial immunological system
R Outa, FR Chavarette, VN Mishra, AC Gonçalves, LGP Roefero, TC Moro
Engineering Computations 37 (9), 3127-3145, 2020
Vibration and wear particles analysis in a test stand
A Carlos Gonçalves, R Carvalho Cunha, D Fabiano Lago
Industrial Lubrication and Tribology 59 (5), 209-216, 2007
Vibration and oil analysis for monitoring problems related to water contamination in rolling
C Gongalves
Tecnologia em Metalurgia, Materiais e Mineracao 20101124, 80-90, 2010
Low-cycle fatigue modelling supported by strain energy density-based Huffman model considering the variability of dislocation density
V Ribeiro, J Correia, A Mourão, G Lesiuk, A Gonçalves, A De Jesus, ...
Engineering Failure Analysis 128, 105608, 2021
Analise dos benefícios da cinesioterapia laboral a curto, médio e longo prazo: uma revisão de literatura
L Iackstet, A Gonçalves, SFC Soares
Arch Health Invest 7 (5), 168-73, 2018
Manutenção de redutores de velocidade pela integração das técnicas preditivas de análise de vibrações e análise de óleo lubrificante
DF Lago
Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2007
Variation of the penetration effort in an artificial tissue by hypodermic needles
AC Gonçalves, S Cavassana, FR Chavarette, R Outa, SJ Casarin, ...
Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2020 (1), 8822686, 2020
Fatigue crack growth modelling by means of the strain energy density-based Huffman model considering the residual stress effect
V Ribeiro, J Correia, A Mourão, G Lesiuk, A Gonçalves, A De Jesus, ...
Engineering Failure Analysis 140, 106543, 2022
Detecting punctual damage to gears through the continuous Morlet wavelet transform
ALV Pereira, AC Gonçalves, R Ribeiro, FR Chavarette, R Outa
Shock and Vibration 2020 (1), 8879565, 2020
Identification of lubricant contamination by biodiesel using vibration analysis and neural network
A Carlos Gonçalves, L Rodrigues Padovese
Industrial Lubrication and Tribology 64 (2), 104-110, 2012
Uso da técnica de análise de óleo lubrificante em motores diesel estacionários, utilizando-se misturas de biodiesel e diferentes níveis de contaminação do lubrificante
RK Kimura
Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2010
iTeen 8
ME Gonçalves, M Coelho, A Gonçalves
Porto: Areal Editores, 2014
Bioenergia: desenvolvimento, pesquisa e inovação
EGM Lemos, NR Stradiotto, AA Saczk, AAS Costa, A Lopes, ...
Coleção PROPe Digital (UNESP), 2012
Prognosis and Detection of Experimental Failures in Open Field Diesel Engines Applying Wiener's Artificial Immunological Systems
R Outa, FR Chavarette, PF Toro, AC Gonçalves, LH Dos Santos
Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics 7 (1), 1-12, 2021
Maintenance of Reducers with an Unbalanced Load Through Vibration and Oil Analysis Predictive Techniques
AC Gonçalves, DF Lago, MCF de Albuquerque
Recent Advances in Vibrations Analysis. InTech, on line, 81-102, 2011
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Articles 1–20