Robert Dominko
Robert Dominko
National Institute of Chemistry
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Visualization of OO peroxo-like dimers in high-capacity layered oxides for Li-ion batteries
E McCalla, AM Abakumov, M Saubanère, D Foix, EJ Berg, G Rousse, ...
Science 350 (6267), 1516-1521, 2015
Cathode composites for Li–S batteries via the use of oxygenated porous architectures
R Demir-Cakan, M Morcrette, F Nouar, C Davoisne, T Devic, D Gonbeau, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (40), 16154-16160, 2011
Impact of the carbon coating thickness on the electrochemical performance of LiFePO4/C composites
R Dominko, M Bele, M Gaberscek, M Remskar, D Hanzel, S Pejovnik, ...
Journal of the Electrochemical Society 152 (3), A607, 2005
Structure and electrochemical performance of Li2MnSiO4 and Li2FeSiO4 as potential Li-battery cathode materials
R Dominko, M Bele, M Gaberšček, A Meden, M Remškar, J Jamnik
Electrochemistry Communications 8 (2), 217-222, 2006
Is small particle size more important than carbon coating? An example study on LiFePO4 cathodes
M Gaberscek, R Dominko, J Jamnik
Electrochemistry Communications 9 (12), 2778-2783, 2007
Li2MSiO4 (M= Fe and/or Mn) cathode materials
R Dominko
Journal of Power Sources 184 (2), 462-468, 2008
Improved electrode performance of porous LiFePO4 using RuO2 as an oxidic nanoscale interconnect
YS Hu, YG Guo, R Dominko, M Gaberscek, J Jamnik, J Maier
Advanced Materials 19 (15), 1963-1966, 2007
The importance of interphase contacts in Li ion electrodes: the meaning of the high-frequency impedance arc
M Gaberscek, J Moskon, B Erjavec, R Dominko, J Jamnik
Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 11 (10), A170, 2008
Silicate cathodes for lithium batteries: alternatives to phosphates?
MS Islam, R Dominko, C Masquelier, C Sirisopanaporn, AR Armstrong, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 21 (27), 9811-9818, 2011
Porous olivine composites synthesized by sol–gel technique
R Dominko, M Bele, M Gaberscek, M Remskar, D Hanzel, JM Goupil, ...
Journal of Power Sources 153 (2), 274-280, 2006
The role of carbon black distribution in cathodes for Li ion batteries
R Dominko, M Gaberscek, J Drofenik, M Bele, S Pejovnik, J Jamnik
Journal of Power Sources 119, 770-773, 2003
Multivalent rechargeable batteries
A Ponrouch, J Bitenc, R Dominko, N Lindahl, P Johansson, MR Palacín
Energy Storage Materials 20, 253-262, 2019
Beyond One-Electron Reaction in Li Cathode Materials:   Designing Li2MnxFe1-xSiO4
A Kokalj, R Dominko, G Mali, A Meden, M Gaberscek, J Jamnik
Chemistry of Materials 19 (15), 3633-3640, 2007
Li-S battery analyzed by UV/Vis in operando mode
MUM Patel, R Demir-Cakan, M Morcrette, JM Tarascon, M Gaberscek, ...
ChemSusChem 6 (7), 1177-1181, 2013
Rechargeable batteries of the future—the state of the art from a BATTERY 2030+ perspective
M Fichtner, K Edström, E Ayerbe, M Berecibar, A Bhowmik, IE Castelli, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 12 (17), 2102904, 2022
Li2MnSiO4 as a potential Li-battery cathode material
R Dominko, M Bele, A Kokalj, M Gaberscek, J Jamnik
Journal of Power Sources 174 (2), 457-461, 2007
Dichalcogenide nanotube electrodes for Li‐ion batteries
R Dominko, D Arčon, A Mrzel, A Zorko, P Cevc, P Venturini, M Gaberscek, ...
Advanced Materials 14 (21), 1531-1534, 2002
Wired porous cathode materials: A novel concept for synthesis of LiFePO4
R Dominko, M Bele, JM Goupil, M Gaberscek, D Hanzel, I Arcon, J Jamnik
Chemistry of materials 19 (12), 2960-2969, 2007
Dependence of Li2FeSiO4 Electrochemistry on Structure
C Sirisopanaporn, C Masquelier, PG Bruce, AR Armstrong, R Dominko
Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (5), 1263-1265, 2011
Impact of synthesis conditions on the structure and performance of Li2FeSiO4
R Dominko, DE Conte, D Hanzel, M Gaberscek, J Jamnik
Journal of Power Sources 178 (2), 842-847, 2008
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Articles 1–20