Gyula Tircso
Gyula Tircso
Professor, Department of Physical Chemistry, University of Debrecen
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Gallium (III) complexes of DOTA and DOTA− monoamide: kinetic and thermodynamic studies
V Kubicek, J Havlickova, J Kotek, G Tircso, P Hermann, E Toth, I Lukes
Inorganic chemistry 49 (23), 10960-10969, 2010
Synthesis, relaxometric and photophysical properties of a new pH-responsive MRI contrast agent: The effect of other ligating groups on dissociation of ap-nitrophenolic pendant arm
M Woods, GE Kiefer, S Bott, A Castillo-Muzquiz, C Eshelbrenner, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (30), 9248-9256, 2004
Potentiometric and relaxometric properties of a gadolinium-based MRI contrast agent for sensing tissue pH
FK Kálmán, M Woods, P Caravan, P Jurek, M Spiller, G Tircsó, R Király, ...
Inorganic chemistry 46 (13), 5260-5270, 2007
Equilibrium and Formation/Dissociation Kinetics of Some LnIIIPCTA Complexes
G Tircsó, Z Kovacs, AD Sherry
Inorganic chemistry 45 (23), 9269-9280, 2006
Properties, solution state behavior, and crystal structures of chelates of DOTMA
S Aime, M Botta, Z Garda, BE Kucera, G Tircso, VG Young, M Woods
Inorganic chemistry 50 (17), 7955-7965, 2011
Lanthanide dota-like Complexes Containing a Picolinate Pendant: Structural Entry for the Design of LnIII-Based Luminescent Probes
M Regueiro-Figueroa, B Bensenane, E Ruscsak, D Esteban-Gomez, ...
Inorganic chemistry 50 (9), 4125-4141, 2011
Stable and inert Mn (II)-based and pH-responsive contrast agents
R Botár, E Molnár, G Trencsényi, J Kiss, FK Kálmán, G Tircsó
Journal of the American Chemical Society 142 (4), 1662-1666, 2020
Kinetic Inertness of the Mn2+ Complexes Formed with AAZTA and Some Open-Chain EDTA Derivatives
FK Kálmán, G Tircsó
Inorganic Chemistry 51 (19), 10065-10067, 2012
Stability and toxicity of contrast agents
E Brücher, G Tircsó, Z Baranyai, Z Kovács, AD Sherry
The chemistry of contrast agents in medical magnetic resonance imaging, 157-208, 2013
The use of the macrocyclic chelator DOTA in radiochemical separations
Z Baranyai, G Tircsó, F Rösch
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry 2020 (1), 36-56, 2020
Synthesis and Characterization of DOTA‐(amide)4 Derivatives: Equilibrium and Kinetic Behavior of Their Lanthanide(III) Complexes
A Pasha, G Tircsó, ET Benyó, E Brücher, AD Sherry
European journal of inorganic chemistry 2007 (27), 4340-4349, 2007
(S)-5-(p-Nitrobenzyl)-PCTA, a Promising Bifunctional Ligand with Advantageous Metal Ion Complexation Kinetics
G Tircsó, ET Benyó, EH Suh, P Jurek, GE Kiefer, AD Sherry, Z Kovács
Bioconjugate chemistry 20 (3), 565-575, 2009
Picolinate-Containing Macrocyclic Mn2+ Complexes as Potential MRI Contrast Agents
E Molnar, N Camus, V Patinec, GA Rolla, M Botta, G Tircsó, FK Kálmán, ...
Inorganic Chemistry 53 (10), 5136-5149, 2014
Analysis of the conformational behavior and stability of the SAP and TSAP isomers of lanthanide (III) NB-DOTA-type chelates
G Tircso, BC Webber, BE Kucera, VG Young, M Woods
Inorganic chemistry 50 (17), 7966-7979, 2011
Modulation of water exchange in Eu(III) DOTA–tetraamide complexes: considerations for in vivo imaging of PARACEST agents
T Mani, G Tircsó, O Togao, P Zhao, TC Soesbe, M Takahashi, AD Sherry
Contrast media & molecular imaging 4 (4), 183-191, 2009
Lanthanide (III) complexes with a reinforced cyclam ligand show unprecedented kinetic inertness
A Rodriguez-Rodriguez, D Esteban-Gomez, R Tripier, G Tircso, Z Garda, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (52), 17954-17957, 2014
Synthesis and Characterization of a Hypoxia‐Sensitive MRI Probe
FA Rojas‐Quijano, G Tircsó, E Tircsóné Benyó, Z Baranyai, H Tran Hoang, ...
Chemistry–A European Journal 18 (31), 9669-9676, 2012
Stable Mn 2+, Cu 2+ and Ln 3+ complexes with cyclen-based ligands functionalized with picolinate pendant arms
A Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Z Garda, E Ruscsák, D Esteban-Gómez, ...
Dalton Transactions 44 (11), 5017-5031, 2015
Mn (II)-based MRI contrast agent candidate for vascular imaging
FK Kálmán, V Nagy, B Váradi, Z Garda, E Molnar, G Trencsenyi, J Kiss, ...
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry 63 (11), 6057-6065, 2020
Effect of the nature of donor atoms on the thermodynamic, kinetic and relaxation properties of Mn (II) complexes formed with some trisubstituted 12-membered macrocyclic ligands
Z Garda, E Molnár, FK Kálmán, R Botár, V Nagy, Z Baranyai, E Brücher, ...
Frontiers in chemistry 6, 232, 2018
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Articles 1–20