Thomas M  Orlando
Cited by
Cited by
Role of water in electron-initiated processes and radical chemistry: Issues and scientific advances
BC Garrett, DA Dixon, DM Camaioni, DM Chipman, MA Johnson, ...
Chemical reviews 105 (1), 355-390, 2004
Biomolecular damage induced by ionizing radiation: the direct and indirect effects of low-energy electrons on DNA
E Alizadeh, TM Orlando, L Sanche
Annual review of physical chemistry 66 (1), 379-398, 2015
Formation of graphene features from direct laser-induced reduction of graphite oxide
DA Sokolov, KR Shepperd, TM Orlando
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 1 (18), 2633-2636, 2010
Guanine, adenine, and hypoxanthine production in UV‐irradiated formamide solutions: relaxation of the requirements for prebiotic purine nucleobase formation
HL Barks, R Buckley, GA Grieves, E Di Mauro, NV Hud, TM Orlando
ChemBioChem 11 (9), 1240-1243, 2010
Molecular water detected on the sunlit Moon by SOFIA
CI Honniball, PG Lucey, S Li, S Shenoy, TM Orlando, CA Hibbitts, ...
Nature Astronomy 5 (2), 121-127, 2021
Laser-stimulated luminescence of yttria-stabilized cubic zirconia crystals
NG Petrik, DP Taylor, TM Orlando
Journal of Applied Physics 85 (9), 6770-6776, 1999
Space-weathering of solar system bodies: A laboratory perspective
CJ Bennett, C Pirim, TM Orlando
Chemical reviews 113 (12), 9086-9150, 2013
Production of O2 on icy satellites by electronic excitation of low-temperature water ice
MT Sieger, WC Simpson, TM Orlando
Nature 394 (6693), 554-556, 1998
Low-Energy (5–120 eV) Electron-Stimulated Dissociation of Amorphous O Ice: D( ), O( ), and O( ) Yields and Velocity Distributions
GA Kimmel, TM Orlando
Physical review letters 75 (13), 2606, 1995
Mercury’s weather-beaten surface: Understanding Mercury in the context of lunar and asteroidal space weathering studies
DL Domingue, CR Chapman, RM Killen, TH Zurbuchen, JA Gilbert, ...
Space Science Reviews 181, 121-214, 2014
Far-out surface science: radiation-induced surface processes in the solar system
TE Madey, RE Johnson, TM Orlando
Surface Science 500 (1-3), 838-858, 2002
Low‐energy electron‐stimulated production of molecular hydrogen from amorphous water ice
GA Kimmel, TM Orlando, C Vézina, L Sanche
The Journal of chemical physics 101 (4), 3282-3286, 1994
Thermal and radiation stability of the hydrated salt minerals epsomite, mirabilite, and natron under Europa environmental conditions
TB McCord, TM Orlando, G Teeter, GB Hansen, MT Sieger, NG Petrik, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 106 (E2), 3311-3319, 2001
Excimer laser reduction and patterning of graphite oxide
DA Sokolov, CM Rouleau, DB Geohegan, TM Orlando
Carbon 53, 81-89, 2013
Nucleoside phosphorylation by the mineral schreibersite
M Gull, MA Mojica, FM Fernández, DA Gaul, TM Orlando, CL Liotta, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 17198, 2015
Brines exposed to Europa surface conditions
TB McCord, G Teeter, GB Hansen, MT Sieger, TM Orlando
Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets 107 (E1), 4-1-4-6, 2002
The chemical nature of Europa surface material and the relation to a subsurface ocean
TM Orlando, TB McCord, GA Grieves
Icarus 177 (2), 528-533, 2005
Observation of negative ion resonances in amorphous ice via low-energy (5–40 eV) electron-stimulated production of molecular hydrogen
GA Kimmel, TM Orlando
Physical review letters 77 (19), 3983, 1996
Theoretical study of formamide decomposition pathways
VS Nguyen, HL Abbott, MM Dawley, TM Orlando, J Leszczynski, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 115 (5), 841-851, 2011
Destruction of carbon tetrachloride in a dielectric barrier/packed‐bed corona reactor
RG Tonkyn, SE Barlow, TM Orlando
Journal of applied physics 80 (9), 4877-4886, 1996
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Articles 1–20