Shu-Chun Wu (吳淑君)
Shu-Chun Wu (吳淑君)
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Superconductivity in Weyl semimetal candidate MoTe2
Y Qi, PG Naumov, MN Ali, CR Rajamathi, O Barkalov, Y Sun, C Shekhar, ...
Nature Communications 7, 11038, 2016
Prediction of Weyl semimetal in orthorhombic MoTe 2
Y Sun, SC Wu, MN Ali, C Felser, B Yan
Physical Review B 92 (16), 161107, 2015
Negative magnetoresistance without well-defined chirality in the Weyl semimetal TaP
Nature Communications 7, 11615, 2016
Prediction of near-room-temperature quantum anomalous Hall effect on honeycomb materials
SC Wu, G Shan, B Yan
Physical review letters 113 (25), 256401, 2014
Prediction of Near-Room-Temperature Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect on Honeycomb Materials
SC Wu, G Shan, B Yan
Physical review letters 113 (25), 256401, 2014
Topological surface states and Fermi arcs of the noncentrosymmetric Weyl semimetals TaAs, TaP, NbAs, and NbP
Y Sun, SC Wu, B Yan
Physical Review B 92 (11), 115428, 2015
Anomalous Hall effect in Weyl semimetal half-Heusler compounds RPtBi (R= Gd and Nd)
C Shekhar, N Kumar, V Grinenko, S Singh, R Sarkar, H Luetkens, SC Wu, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (37), 9140-9144, 2018
Dirac line nodes and effect of spin-orbit coupling in the nonsymmorphic critical semimetals
C Chen, X Xu, J Jiang, SC Wu, YP Qi, LX Yang, MX Wang, Y Sun, ...
Physical Review B 95 (12), 125126, 2017
Observation of Unusual Topological Surface States in Half-Heusler Compounds LnPtBi (Ln= Lu, Y)
Z Liu, L Yang, SC Wu, C Shekhar, J Jiang, H Yang, Y Zhang, SK Mo, ...
Nature Communications 7, 12924, 2016
Graphene-based topological insulator with an intrinsic bulk band gap above room temperature
L Kou, B Yan, F Hu, SC Wu, TO Wehling, C Felser, C Chen, T Frauenheim
Nano letters 13 (12), 6251-6255, 2013
Multiple Dirac cones at the surface of the topological metal LaBi
J Nayak, SC Wu, N Kumar, C Shekhar, S Singh, J Fink, EED Rienks, ...
Nature communications 8, 13942, 2017
First-principles study of the structural stability of cubic, tetragonal and hexagonal phases in Mn3Z (Z= Ga, Sn and Ge) Heusler compounds
D Zhang, B Yan, SC Wu, J Kübler, G Kreiner, SSP Parkin, C Felser
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (20), 206006, 2013
Chiral Weyl Pockets and Fermi Surface Topology of the Weyl Semimetal TaAs
F Arnold, M Naumann, SC Wu, Y Sun, M Schmidt, H Borrmann, C Felser, ...
Physical review letters 117, 146401, 2016
Dirac dispersion generates unusually large Nernst effect in Weyl semimetals
SJ Watzman, TM McCormick, C Shekhar, SC Wu, Y Sun, A Prakash, ...
Physical Review B 97 (16), 161404, 2018
Chiral magnetoresistance in the Weyl semimetal NbP
AC Niemann, J Gooth, SC Wu, S Bäßler, P Sergelius, R Hühne, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 43394, 2017
Robust 2D Topological Insulators in van der Waals Heterostructures
L Kou, SC Wu, C Felser, T Frauenheim, C Chen, B Yan
ACS nano 8 (10), 10448-10454, 2014
Observation of quasi-two-dimensional electron transport in the topological semimetal LaBi
N Kumar, C Shekhar, SC Wu, I Leermakers, U Zeitler, B Yan, C Felser
Physical Review B 93, 241106, 2016
Elastic properties and stability of Heusler compounds: Cubic Co2YZ compounds with L21 structure
SC Wu, GH Fecher, S Shahab Naghavi, C Felser
Journal of Applied Physics 125 (8), 082523, 2019
Quantum oscillations and the Fermi surface topology of the Weyl semimetal NbP
J Klotz, SC Wu, C Shekhar, Y Sun, M Schmidt, M Nicklas, M Baenitz, ...
Phys. Rev. B 93, 121105(R), 2016
Metal-insulator transition and the anomalous Hall effect in the layered magnetic materials VS2 and VSe2
HR Fuh, B Yan, SC Wu, C Felser, CR Chang
New Journal of Physics 18 (11), 113038, 2016
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Articles 1–20