xixiang zhang
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Cited by
Locally resonant sonic materials
Z Liu, X Zhang, Y Mao, YY Zhu, Z Yang, CT Chan, P Sheng
science 289 (5485), 1734-1736, 2000
Influence of negative lattice expansion and metamagnetic transition on magnetic entropy change in the compound
F Hu, B Shen, J Sun, Z Cheng, G Rao, X Zhang
Applied physics letters 78 (23), 3675-3677, 2001
Exploring atomic defects in molybdenum disulphide monolayers
J Hong, Z Hu, M Probert, K Li, D Lv, X Yang, L Gu, N Mao, Q Feng, L Xie, ...
Nature communications 6 (1), 6293, 2015
Superconductivity in 4 angstrom single-walled carbon nanotubes
ZK Tang, L Zhang, N Wang, XX Zhang, GH Wen, GD Li, JN Wang, ...
Science 292 (5526), 2462-2465, 2001
Dopamine as a robust anchor to immobilize functional molecules on the iron oxide shell of magnetic nanoparticles
C Xu, K Xu, H Gu, R Zheng, H Liu, X Zhang, Z Guo, B Xu
Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (32), 9938-9939, 2004
Highly stable aqueous zinc‐ion storage using a layered calcium vanadium oxide bronze cathode
C Xia, J Guo, P Li, X Zhang, HN Alshareef
Angewandte Chemie 130 (15), 4007-4012, 2018
Facile one-pot synthesis of bifunctional heterodimers of nanoparticles: a conjugate of quantum dot and magnetic nanoparticles
H Gu, R Zheng, XX Zhang, B Xu
Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (18), 5664-5665, 2004
High‐surface‐area silica nanospheres (KCC‐1) with a fibrous morphology
V Polshettiwar, D Cha, X Zhang, JM Basset
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 49 (50), 9652-9656, 2010
Superior piezoelectric properties in potassium–sodium niobate lead‐free ceramics
K Xu, J Li, X Lv, J Wu, X Zhang, D Xiao, J Zhu
Advanced materials 28 (38), 8519-8523, 2016
Intercorrelated In-Plane and Out-of-Plane Ferroelectricity in Ultrathin Two-Dimensional Layered Semiconductor In2Se3
C Cui, WJ Hu, X Yan, C Addiego, W Gao, Y Wang, Z Wang, L Li, Y Cheng, ...
Nano letters 18 (2), 1253-1258, 2018
Doping monolayer graphene with single atom substitutions
H Wang, Q Wang, Y Cheng, K Li, Y Yao, Q Zhang, C Dong, P Wang, ...
Nano letters 12 (1), 141-144, 2012
Nitrilotriacetic acid-modified magnetic nanoparticles as a general agent to bind histidine-tagged proteins
C Xu, K Xu, H Gu, X Zhong, Z Guo, R Zheng, X Zhang, B Xu
Journal of the American Chemical Society 126 (11), 3392-3393, 2004
Large magnetoresistance in single-crystalline Ni50Mn50− xInx alloys (x= 14–16) upon martensitic transformation
SY Yu, ZH Liu, GD Liu, JL Chen, ZX Cao, GH Wu, B Zhang, XX Zhang
Applied Physics Letters 89 (16), 2006
Processible nanostructured materials with electrical conductivity and magnetic susceptibility: preparation and properties of maghemite/polyaniline nanocomposite films
BZ Tang, Y Geng, JWY Lam, B Li, X Jing, X Wang, F Wang, AB Pakhomov, ...
Chemistry of materials 11 (6), 1581-1589, 1999
FePt@CoS2 Yolk−Shell Nanocrystals as a Potent Agent to Kill HeLa Cells
J Gao, G Liang, B Zhang, Y Kuang, X Zhang, B Xu
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (5), 1428-1433, 2007
Solvothermal Synthesis of a Stable Coordination Polymer with Copper-I−Copper-II Dimer Units:  [Cu4{1,4-C6H4(COO)2}3(4,4‘-bipy)2]n
SMF Lo, SSY Chui, LY Shek, Z Lin, XX Zhang, G Wen, ID Williams
Journal of the American Chemical Society 122 (26), 6293-6294, 2000
Locally resonant sonic materials
P Sheng, XX Zhang, Z Liu, CT Chan
Physica B: Condensed Matter 338 (1-4), 201-205, 2003
Evidence for topological type-II Weyl semimetal WTe2
P Li, Y Wen, X He, Q Zhang, C Xia, ZM Yu, SA Yang, Z Zhu, HN Alshareef, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 2150, 2017
Large dielectric constant enhancement in MXene percolative polymer composites
S Tu, Q Jiang, X Zhang, HN Alshareef
ACS nano 12 (4), 3369-3377, 2018
Multifunctional yolk− shell nanoparticles: a potential MRI contrast and anticancer agent
J Gao, G Liang, JS Cheung, Y Pan, Y Kuang, F Zhao, B Zhang, X Zhang, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 130 (35), 11828-11833, 2008
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