Лапчук,  Наталья Михайловна (NM Lapchuk)
Лапчук, Наталья Михайловна (NM Lapchuk)
Other namesПенина Наталья Михайловна (Penina N.M)
Белорусский государственный университет, физический факультет, пр. Независимости 4, 220030 Минск
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Cited by
Mixed electronic and ionic conductivity of LaCo (M) O3 (M= Ga, Cr, Fe or Ni): I. Oxygen transport in perovskites LaCoO3–LaGaO3
VV Kharton, AP Viskup, EN Naumovich, NM Lapchuk
Solid State Ionics 104 (1-2), 67-78, 1997
Study of WO3–In2O3 nanocomposites for highly sensitive CO and NO2 gas sensors
YS Haiduk, AA Khort, NM Lapchuk, AA Savitsky
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 273, 25-31, 2019
Detonation nanodiamonds: new aspects in the theory and practice of synthesis, properties and applications
VY Dolmatov, AN Ozerin, II Kulakova, OO Bochechka, NM Lapchuk, ...
Russian Chemical Reviews 89 (12), 1428, 2020
Mixed electronic and ionic conductivity of LaCo (M) O3 (M= Ga, Cr, Fe or Ni).: V. Oxygen permeability of Mg-doped La (Ga, Co) O3− δ perovskites
AA Yaremchenko, VV Kharton, AP Viskup, EN Naumovich, ...
Solid State Ionics 120 (1-4), 65-74, 1999
Oxygen Ionic and Electronic Transport in LaGa1− xNixO3− δPerovskites
AA Yaremchenko, VV Kharton, AP Viskup, EN Naumovich, NM Lapchuk, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 142 (2), 325-335, 1999
Peculiarities of damage in diamond irradiated by high energy ions
DP Erchak, VG Efimov, AM Zaitsev, VF Stelmakh, NM Penina, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1992
Defect production in silicon irradiated with 5.68 GeV Xe ions
VS Varichenko, AM Zaitsev, NM Kazutchits, AR Chelyadinskii, NM Penina, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1996
Defect production in silicon irradiated with 5.68 GeV Xe ions
VS Varichenko, AM Zaitsev, NM Kazutchits, AR Chelyadinskii, NM Penina, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1996
Point paramagnetic defects in diamond irradiated by high‐energy ions
DP Erchak, RB Gelfand, NM Penina, VF Stelmakh, VP Tolstykh, ...
physica status solidi (a) 121 (1), 63-72, 1990
Properties of Li doped diamond films, obtained by transmutation of 10B into 7Li
G Popovici, AA Melnikov, VS Varichenko, S Khasawinah, T Sung, ...
Diamond and related materials 5 (6-8), 761-765, 1996
High-performance selective NO2 gas sensor based on In2O3–graphene–Cu nanocomposites
A Khort, Y Haiduk, I Taratyn, D Moskovskikh, K Podbolotov, A Usenka, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 7834, 2023
The origin of dominating ESR absorption in ion implanted diamond
DP Ertchak, VG Efimov, VF Stelmakh, VA Martinovich, AF Alexandrov, ...
physica status solidi (b) 203 (2), 529-547, 1997
Nitrogen-doped chemical vapour deposited diamond: A new material for room-temperature solid state maser
NA Poklonski, NM Lapchuk, AV Khomich, L Fan-Xiu, T Wei-Zhong, ...
Chinese Physics Letters 24 (7), 2088, 2007
Наноструктурирование кристаллических зерен природного алмаза ионизирующим излучением
НА Поклонский, ТМ Лапчук, НИ Горбачук, ВА Николаенко, ИВ Бачучин
Физика и техника полупроводников 39 (8), 931, 2005
WO3–graphene–Cu nanocomposites for CO, NO2 and acetone gas sensors
Y Haiduk, A Khort, V Lapitskaya, T Kuznetsova, D Moskovskikh, ...
Nano-Structures & Nano-Objects 29, 100824, 2022
Hydrogen passivation of the paramagnetic centers in amorphous regions of ion-implanted diamond
DP Erchak, AG Ulyashin, RB Gelfand, NM Penina, AM Zaitsev, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1992
Defect production in silicon implanted with 13.6 MeV boron ions
VS Varichenko, AM Zaitsev, AA Melnikov, WR Fahrner, NM Kasytchits, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam …, 1994
A study of defects and impurities in doped detonation nanodiamonds by EPR, Raman scattering, and XRD methods
VY Dolmatov, NM Lapchuk, TM Lapchuk, BTT Nguyen, V Myllymäki, ...
Journal of Superhard Materials 38, 219-229, 2016
Optical and paramagnetic properties of polycrystalline CVD-diamonds implanted with deuterium ions
AV Khomich, RA Khmelnitsky, NA Poklonski, NM Lapchuk, AA Khomich, ...
Journal of Applied Spectroscopy 79, 600-609, 2012
Spectral analysis of nanosize forms of carbon synthesized by pulsed intense ion beams
GE Remnev, VV Uglov, VI Shymanski, P Konarski, MP Samtsov, ...
Vacuum 89, 118-121, 2013
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