José Carlos ARAUJO dos Santos
José Carlos ARAUJO dos Santos
Professor do Instituto Militar de Engenharia - IME
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Activated status of basophils in chronic urticaria leads to interleukin‐3 hyper‐responsiveness and enhancement of histamine release induced by anti‐IgE stimulus
FD Lourenço, MH Azor, JC Santos, E Prearo, CW Maruta, EA Rivitti, ...
British Journal of Dermatology 158 (5), 979-986, 2008
Fusarium species and fumonisins associated with maize kernels produced in Rio Grande do Sul State for the 2008/09 and 2009/10 growing seasons
R Stumpf, J Santos, LB Gomes, CN Silva, DJ Tessmann, FD Ferreira, ...
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 44, 89-95, 2013
Parada cardiorrespiratória (PCR)
A Pazin-Filho, JC Santos, RBP Castro, CDF Bueno, A Schmidt
Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) 36 (2/4), 163-178, 2003
Up-regulation of chemokine C–C ligand 2 (CCL2) and CXC chemokine 8 (CXCL8) expression by monocytes in chronic idiopathic urticaria
JC Santos, CA De Brito, EA Futata, MH Azor, NM Orii, CW Maruta, ...
Clinical & Experimental Immunology 167 (1), 129-136, 2012
Translucent and persistent luminescent SrAl2O4: Eu2+ Dy3+ ceramics
DV Sampaio, NRS Souza, JCA Santos, DC Silva, EJS Fonseca, C Kucera, ...
Ceramics International 42 (3), 4306-4312, 2016
Successive pretreatment and enzymatic saccharification of sugarcane bagasse in a packed bed flow-through column reactor aiming to support biorefineries
R Terán-Hilares, AL Reséndiz, RT Martínez, SS Silva, JC Santos
Bioresource Technology 203, 42-49, 2016
Winch with power train, manual operation option, and particular brake assembly
JC Santos
US Patent 5,374,035, 1994
Polymeric synthesis and conventional versus laser sintering of CaCu3Ti4O12 electroceramics:(micro) structures, phase development and dielectric properties
LM Jesus, JCA Santos, DV Sampaio, LB Barbosa, RS Silva, JC M'Peko
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 654, 482-490, 2016
Comparison of techniques for the determination of conversion during suspension polymerization reactions
JC Santos, CN Lopes, MM Reis, R Giudici, C Sayer, RAF Machado, ...
Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering 25, 399-407, 2008
Experimentos reais e virtuais: proposta para o ensino de eletricidade no nível médio
JC Santos, AG Dickman
Revista Brasileira de Ensino de Física 41, 2018
Effect of the Ce3+ concentration on laser-sintered YAG ceramics for white LEDs applications
JCA Santos, EP Silva, DV Sampaio, DC Silva, NRS Souza, C Kucera, ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 40 (10), 3673-3678, 2020
Avaliação das propriedades tecnológicas de cerâmica vermelha incorporada com resíduo de rocha ornamental proveniente do tear de fio diamantado
SP Taguchi, JC Santos, TM Gomes, NA Cunha
Cerâmica 60, 291-296, 2014
The bitter taste receptor TAS2R14 regulates resveratrol transport across the human blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier
AC Duarte, T Rosado, AR Costa, J Santos, E Gallardo, T Quintela, ...
Biochemical Pharmacology 177, 113953, 2020
Bitter taste receptors profiling in the human blood-cerebrospinal fluid-barrier
AC Duarte, J Santos, AR Costa, CL Ferreira, J Tomas, T Quintela, ...
Biochemical Pharmacology 177, 113954, 2020
Multifuncional translucent ferroelectric Ba1− xCaxTiO3 ceramics produced by laser sintering
RS Silva, LM Jesus, TC Oliveira, DV Sampaio, JCA Santos, ...
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 36 (16), 4023-4030, 2016
A novel structurally stable multiepitope protein for detection of HCV
AS Galdino, JC Santos, MQ Souza, YKM Nóbrega, MAE Xavier, ...
Hepatitis Research and Treatment 2016 (1), 6592143, 2016
Conductive atomic force microscopy characterization of PTCR-BaTiO3 laser-sintered ceramics
MS Silva, ST Souza, DV Sampaio, JCA Santos, EJS Fonseca, RS Silva
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 36 (6), 1385-1389, 2016
Radioluminescence emission of YAG: RE laser-sintered ceramics
JCA Santos, EP Silva, DV Sampaio, NRS Souza, YGS Alves, RS Silva
Materials Letters 160, 456-458, 2015
Stable CdTe nanocrystals grown in situ in thiol-modified MCM-41 mesoporous silica: Control synthesis and electrochemical detection of Cu2+
JC Santos, CRS Matos, GBS Pereira, TBS Santana, HO Souza Jr, ...
Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 221, 48-57, 2016
Viabilidade econômica do manejo de açaizais no estuário amazônico do Pará
Viabilidade econômica de sistemas de produção agropecuários. Brasília …, 2012
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Articles 1–20