Tommaso Lisini Baldi
Tommaso Lisini Baldi
PhD, University of Siena and IIT - Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
GESTO: A glove for enhanced sensing and touching based on inertial and magnetic sensors for hand tracking and cutaneous feedback
TL Baldi, S Scheggi, L Meli, M Mohammadi, D Prattichizzo
IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems 47 (6), 1066-1076, 2017
Human augmentation by wearable supernumerary robotic limbs: review and perspectives
D Prattichizzo, M Pozzi, TL Baldi, M Malvezzi, I Hussain, S Rossi, ...
Progress in Biomedical Engineering 3 (4), 042005, 2021
Upper body pose estimation using wearable inertial sensors and multiplicative kalman filter
TL Baldi, F Farina, A Garulli, A Giannitrapani, D Prattichizzo
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (1), 492-500, 2019
Design, development, and control of a hand/wrist exoskeleton for rehabilitation and training
M Dragusanu, MZ Iqbal, TL Baldi, D Prattichizzo, M Malvezzi
IEEE Transactions on Robotics 38 (3), 1472-1488, 2022
Haptic guidance in dynamic environments using optimal reciprocal collision avoidance
TL Baldi, S Scheggi, M Aggravi, D Prattichizzo
IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3 (1), 265-272, 2017
Preventing undesired face-touches with wearable devices and haptic feedback
N D’Aurizio, TL Baldi, G Paolocci, D Prattichizzo
Ieee Access 8, 139033-139043, 2020
Rendering of pressure and textures using wearable haptics in immersive vr environments
G Spagnoletti, L Meli, TL Baldi, G Gioioso, C Pacchierotti, D Prattichizzo
2018 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR), 691-692, 2018
Design of a wearable interface for lightweight robotic arm for people with mobility impairments
TL Baldi, G Spagnoletti, M Dragusanu, D Prattichizzo
2017 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), 1567-1573, 2017
Wearable haptic anklets for gait and freezing improvement in Parkinson’s disease: a proof-of-concept study
S Rossi, T Lisini Baldi, M Aggravi, M Ulivelli, D Cioncoloni, V Niccolini, ...
Neurological sciences 41, 3643-3651, 2020
Design, development, and preliminary evaluation of a highly wearable exoskeleton
M Malvezzi, TL Baldi, A Villani, F Ciccarese, D Prattichizzo
2020 29th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2020
Simultaneous control of natural and extra degrees of freedom by isometric force and electromyographic activity in the muscle-to-force null space
S Gurgone, D Borzelli, P De Pasquale, DJ Berger, TL Baldi, N D’Aurizio, ...
Journal of Neural Engineering 19 (1), 016004, 2022
Fingertip Force Estimation via Inertial and Magnetic Sensors in Deformable Object Manipulation
M Mohammadi, T Lisini Baldi, S Scheggi, D Prattichizzo
Using inertial and magnetic sensors for hand tracking and rendering in wearable haptics
T Lisini Baldi, M Mohammadi, S Scheggi, D Prattichizzo
Design, development, and control of a tendon-actuated exoskeleton for wrist rehabilitation and training
M Dragusanu, TL Baldi, Z Iqbal, D Prattichizzo, M Malvezzi
2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 1749-1754, 2020
Wearable Haptics for Remote Social Walking
TL Baldi, G Paolocci, D Barcelli, D Prattichizzo
IEEE Transactions on Haptics, 2020
Emerging of new bioartificial corticospinal motor synergies using a robotic additional thumb
S Rossi, G Salvietti, F Neri, SM Romanella, A Cinti, C Sinigaglia, M Ulivelli, ...
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 18487, 2021
Human guidance: Suggesting walking pace under manual and cognitive load
T Lisini Baldi, G Paolocci, D Prattichizzo
International Conference on Human Haptic Sensing and Touch Enabled Computer …, 2018
Hand in air tapping: A wearable input technology to type wireless
L Meli, D Barcelli, TL Baldi, D Prattichizzo
2017 26th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive …, 2017
No face-touch: Exploiting wearable devices and machine learning for gesture detection
S Marullo, TL Baldi, G Paolocci, N D’Aurizio, D Prattichizzo
2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 4187-4193, 2021
Feasibility of TMS in patients with new generation cochlear implants
M Mandalà, TL Baldi, F Neri, L Mencarelli, S Romanella, M Ulivelli, ...
Clinical Neurophysiology 132 (3), 723-729, 2021
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