Karen Donders
Karen Donders
Nežinomas ryšys
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Platform power and policy in transforming television markets
T Evens, K Donders
Palgrave Macmillan, 2018
Public service media and policy in Europe
K Donders
Springer, 2011
Talking to people III: Expert interviews and elite interviews
L Van Audenhove, K Donders
The Palgrave handbook of methods for media policy research, 179-197, 2019
Public service media beyond the digital hype: distribution strategies in a platform era
K Donders
Media, culture & society 41 (7), 1011-1028, 2019
Exporting the public value test: The regulation of public broadcasters’ new media services across Europe
K Donders, H Moe
Nordicom, University of Gothenburg, 2011
Does EU policy challenge the digital future of public service broadcasting? An analysis of the Commission's state aid approach to digitization and the public service remit of …
K Donders, C Pauwels
Convergence 14 (3), 295-311, 2008
Public service media in Europe: Law, theory and practice
K Donders
Routledge, 2021
Mergers and acquisitions in TV broadcasting and distribution: Challenges for competition, industrial and media policy
T Evens, K Donders
Telematics and Informatics 33 (2), 674-682, 2016
The Palgrave handbook of methods for media policy research
H Van den Bulck, M Puppis, K Donders, L Van Audenhove
Palgrave Macmillan, 2019
Of discourses, stakeholders and advocacy coalitions in media policy: Tracing negotiations towards the new management contract of Flemish public broadcaster VRT
H Van den Bulck, K Donders
European Journal of Communication 29 (1), 83-99, 2014
The rise of the ‘Netflix tax’and what it means for sustaining European audiovisual markets
I Kostovska, T Raats, K Donders
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 33 (4), 423-441, 2020
The Palgrave handbook of European media policy
K Donders, C Pauwels, J Loisen
Springer, 2014
Analysing national practices after European state aid control: are multi-stakeholder negotiations beneficial for public service broadcasting?
K Donders, T Raats
Media, Culture & Society 34 (2), 162-180, 2012
Digitisation, internationalisation, and changing business models in local media markets: An analysis of commercial media’s perceptions on challenges ahead
K Donders, G Enli, T Raats, T Syvertsen
Journal of Media Business Studies 15 (2), 89-107, 2018
The politics of pleasing: A critical analysis of multistakeholderism in public service media policies in Flanders
K Donders, H Van den Bulck, T Raats
Media, Culture & Society 41 (3), 347-366, 2019
Decline and fall of public service media values in the international content acquisition market: An analysis of small public broadcasters acquiring BBC Worldwide content
K Donders, H Van den Bulck
European journal of communication 31 (3), 299-316, 2016
Moving beyond the borders of top–down broadcasting: An analysis of younger users’ participation in public service media
AS Vanhaeght, K Donders
Television & New Media 17 (4), 291-307, 2016
Public service media in the networked society: What society? What network? What role?
H Van den Bulck, K Donders, GF Lowe
Nordicom, University of Gothenburg, 2018
Media policy for private media in the age of digital platforms
G Enli, T Raats, T Syvertsen, K Donders
European Journal of Communication 34 (4), 395-409, 2019
Public Service Media in the “networked” era: A comparison of remit, funding, and debates in 17 western Countries
C Schweizer, M Puppis, G Lowe, H van den Bulck, K Donders
Nordicom, 2018
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