James Schrader
James Schrader
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Cited by
Characterization and biodegradation behavior of bio-based poly (lactic acid) and soy protein blends for sustainable horticultural applications
S Yang, SA Madbouly, JA Schrader, G Srinivasan, D Grewell, KG McCabe, ...
Green Chemistry 17 (1), 380-393, 2015
Biodegradation behavior of bacterial-based polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) and DDGS composites
SA Madbouly, JA Schrader, G Srinivasan, K Liu, KG McCabe, D Grewell, ...
Green Chemistry 16 (4), 1911-1920, 2014
Biodegradation behavior of poly (lactic acid)(PLA)/distiller’s dried grains with solubles (DDGS) composites
H Lu, SA Madbouly, JA Schrader, G Srinivasan, KG McCabe, D Grewell, ...
ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 2 (12), 2699-2706, 2014
Sweet basil requires an irradiance of 500 μ mol· m− 2· s− 1 for greatest edible biomass production
AR Beaman, RJ Gladon, JA Schrader
HortScience 44 (1), 64-67, 2009
Biodegradable fertilizer
J Schrader, W Graves, D Grewell
US Patent 9,988,318, 2018
Resistance to water stress of Alnus maritima: intraspecific variation and comparisons to other alders
JA Schrader, SJ Gardner, WR Graves
Environmental and Experimental Botany 53 (3), 281-298, 2005
Fertilizer effects of soy-plastic containers during crop production and transplant establishment
JA Schrader, G Srinivasan, D Grewell, KG McCabe, WR Graves
HortScience 48 (6), 724-731, 2013
Seed germination and seedling growth of Alnus maritima from its three disjunct populations
JA Schrader, WR Graves
Journal of the American society for Horticultural science 125 (1), 128-134, 2000
Novel bio-based composites of polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA)/distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS)
H Lu, SA Madbouly, JA Schrader, MR Kessler, D Grewell, WR Graves
RSC advances 4 (75), 39802-39808, 2014
Performance and biodegradation in soil of novel horticulture containers made from bioplastics and biocomposites
HA Kratsch, JA Schrader, KG McCabe, G Srinivasan, D Grewell, ...
HortTechnology 25 (1), 119-131, 2015
Systematics of Alnus maritima (seaside alder) resolved by ISSR polymorphisms and morphological characters
JA Schrader, WR Graves
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 129 (2), 231-236, 2004
Infraspecific systematics of Alnus maritima (Betulaceae) from three widely disjunct provenances
JA Schrader, WR Graves
Castanea, 380-401, 2002
Phenology and depth of cold acclimation in the three subspecies of Alnus maritima
JA Schrader, WR Graves
Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science 128 (3), 330-336, 2003
Evaluation of biopolymer-coated fiber containers for container-grown plants
KG McCabe, JA Schrader, S Madbouly, D Grewell, WR Graves
HortTechnology 24 (4), 439-448, 2014
Phenology and winter hardiness of cold-climate grape cultivars and advanced selections in Iowa climate
JA Schrader, DR Cochran, PA Domoto, GR Nonnecke
HortTechnology 29 (6), 906-922, 2019
Biorenewable polymer composites from tall oil‐based polyamide and lignin‐cellulose fiber
K Liu, SA Madbouly, JA Schrader, MR Kessler, D Grewell, WR Graves
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 132 (48), 2015
Development and evaluation of bioplastic containers for sustainable greenhouse and nursery production
JA Schrader, KG McCabe, G Srinivasan, K Haubrich, D Grewell, ...
Acta Hort 1104, 79-88, 2015
Systematics of Dirca (Thymelaeaceae) based on ITS sequences and ISSR polymorphisms
JA Schrader, WR Graves
SIDA, Contributions to Botany, 511-524, 2004
At the interface of phylogenetics and population genetics, the phylogeography of Dirca occidentalis (Thymelaeaceae)
WR Graves, JA Schrader
American Journal of Botany 95 (11), 1454-1465, 2008
Sustainable materials for a horticultural application
D Grewell, G Srinivasan, J Schrader, W Graves, M Kessler
Plastics Engineering 70 (3), 44-52, 2014
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Articles 1–20