Sarogini Pease
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Cited by
An intelligent real-time cyber-physical toolset for energy and process prediction and optimisation in the future industrial Internet of Things
SG Pease, R Trueman, C Davies, J Grosberg, KH Yau, N Kaur, P Conway, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 79, 815-829, 2018
Hybrid ToF and RSSI real-time semantic tracking with an adaptive industrial internet of things architecture
SG Pease, PP Conway, AA West
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 99, 98-109, 2017
Adaptive intelligent middleware architecture for mobile real-time communications
SG Pease, IW Phillips, L Guan
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 15 (3), 572-585, 2015
An interoperable semantic service toolset with domain ontology for automated decision support in the end-of-life domain
SG Pease, R Sharpe, K van Lopik, E Tsalapati, P Goodall, B Young, ...
Future Generation Computer Systems 112, 848-858, 2020
A design of experiments Cyber–Physical System for energy modelling and optimisation in end-milling machining
D Pantazis, SG Pease, P Goodall, A West, P Conway
Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 80, 102469, 2023
Predicting electrical power consumption of end milling using a virtual machining energy toolkit (V_MET)
D Pantazis, P Goodall, SG Pease, P Conway, A West
Computers in Industry 150, 103943, 2023
Cross-layer signalling and middleware: A survey for inelastic soft real-time applications in MANETs
SG Pease, L Guan, I Phillips, A Grigg
Journal of network and computer applications 34 (6), 1928-1941, 2011
ROAM: Supporting safety critical applications in MANETs with cross-layer middleware
SG Pease
2013 IEEE 14th International Symposium on" A World of Wireless, Mobile and …, 2013
Exploiting embedded intelligence in manufacturing decision support
PA Goodall, H Lugo, R Sharpe, KAJ van Lopik, S Pease, A West, ...
Loughborough University, 2018
An Embedded Intelligence Future Vision of Flexible Configurable Manufacturing.
PA Goodall, K van Lopik, L Stilo, S Hayward, J Tribe, SG Pease, ...
I-ESA Workshops, 2020
Part 1 Summary: Embedded Intelligence Discussion
B Young, P Goodall, R Sharpe, K Van-Lopik, S Pease, G Bhullar
Enterprise Interoperability: Smart Services and Business Impact of …, 2018
Process and tool support for real-time performance analysis of integrated modular systems
A Grigg, L Guan, PR Baalham, S Pease
Loughborough University, 2015
A cross-layer middleware architecture for time and safety critical applications in MANETs
SG Pease
Loughborough University, 2013
Process and Tool Support for Real-Time Performance Analysis of Integrated Modular Systems
SG Grigg, A and Guan, L and Baalham, PR and Manuel
7th Annual Conference on Systems Engineering Research (CSER2009), 2009
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Articles 1–14