Moritz Kreutzer
A unified sparse matrix data format for efficient general sparse matrix-vector multiplication on modern processors with wide SIMD units
M Kreutzer, G Hager, G Wellein, H Fehske, AR Bishop
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 36 (5), C401-C423, 2014
Sparse matrix-vector multiplication on GPGPU clusters: A new storage format and a scalable implementation
M Kreutzer, G Hager, G Wellein, H Fehske, A Basermann, AR Bishop
2012 IEEE 26th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2012
CRAFT: A library for easier application-level checkpoint/restart and automatic fault tolerance
F Shahzad, J Thies, M Kreutzer, T Zeiser, G Hager, G Wellein
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 30 (3), 501-514, 2018
GHOST: Building blocks for high performance sparse linear algebra on heterogeneous systems
M Kreutzer, J Thies, M Röhrig-Zöllner, A Pieper, F Shahzad, M Galgon, ...
International Journal of Parallel Programming, 2016
Preconditioned krylov solvers on GPUs
H Anzt, M Gates, J Dongarra, M Kreutzer, G Wellein, M Köhler
Parallel Computing 68, 32-44, 2017
High-performance implementation of Chebyshev filter diagonalization for interior eigenvalue computations
A Pieper, M Kreutzer, A Alvermann, M Galgon, H Fehske, G Hager, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 325, 226-243, 2016
Increasing the Performance of the Jacobi--Davidson Method by Blocking
M Röhrig-Zöllner, J Thies, M Kreutzer, A Alvermann, A Pieper, ...
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 37 (6), C697–C722, 2015
Performance Engineering of the Kernel Polynomial Method on Large-Scale CPU-GPU Systems
M Kreutzer, G Hager, G Wellein, A Pieper, A Alvermann, H Fehske
Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), 2015 IEEE …, 2014
A survey of checkpoint/restart techniques on distributed memory systems
F Shahzad, M Wittmann, M Kreutzer, T Zeiser, G Hager, G Wellein
Parallel Processing Letters 23 (04), 1340011, 2013
Efficiency of General Krylov Methods on GPUs--An Experimental Study
H Anzt, J Dongarra, M Kreutzer, G Wellein, M Köhler
2016 IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium …, 2016
Benefits from using mixed precision computations in the ELPA-AEO and ESSEX-II eigensolver projects
A Alvermann, A Basermann, HJ Bungartz, C Carbogno, D Ernst, H Fehske, ...
Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics 36, 699-717, 2019
Optimization and performance evaluation of the IDR iterative Krylov solver on GPUs
H Anzt, M Kreutzer, E Ponce, GD Peterson, G Wellein, J Dongarra
The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 32 (2 …, 2018
Chebyshev filter diagonalization on modern manycore processors and GPGPUs
M Kreutzer, D Ernst, AR Bishop, H Fehske, G Hager, K Nakajima, ...
High Performance Computing: 33rd International Conference, ISC High …, 2018
Towards an exascale enabled sparse solver repository
J Thies, M Galgon, F Shahzad, A Alvermann, M Kreutzer, A Pieper, ...
Software for Exascale Computing-SPPEXA 2013-2015, 295-316, 2016
Building a fault tolerant application using the GASPI communication layer
F Shahzad, M Kreutzer, T Zeiser, R Machado, A Pieper, G Hager, ...
2015 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 580-587, 2015
PGAS implementation of SpMVM and LBM using GPI
F Shahzad, M Wittmann, M Kreutzer, T Zeiser, G Hager, G Wellein
7th International Conference on PGAS Programming Models, 172, 2013
Performance Engineering and Energy Efficiency of Building Blocks for Large, Sparse Eigenvalue Computations on Heterogeneous Supercomputers
M Kreutzer, A Alvermann, M Galgon, A Pieper, M Röhrig-Zöllner, ...
Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 113, 317-338, 2016
ESSEX: equipping sparse solvers for exascale
A Alvermann, A Basermann, H Fehske, M Galgon, G Hager, M Kreutzer, ...
Euro-Par 2014: Parallel Processing Workshops: Euro-Par 2014 International …, 2014
Improved coefficients for polynomial filtering in ESSEX
M Galgon, L Krämer, B Lang, A Alvermann, H Fehske, A Pieper, G Hager, ...
Eigenvalue Problems: Algorithms, Software and Applications in Petascale …, 2017
Modelling of Core Noise from Power Transformers.
M Kreutzer
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