Yiding Li
Yiding Li
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Cited by
A distinct entorhinal cortex to hippocampal CA1 direct circuit for olfactory associative learning
Y Li, J Xu, Y Liu, J Zhu, N Liu, W Zeng, N Huang, MJ Rasch, H Jiang, X Gu, ...
Nature neuroscience 20 (4), 559-570, 2017
Conditional deletion of Mecp2 in parvalbumin-expressing GABAergic cells results in the absence of critical period plasticity
L He, N Liu, T Cheng, X Chen, Y Li, Y Shu, Z Qiu, X Zhang
Nature communications 5 (1), 5036, 2014
Bidirectional synaptic plasticity rapidly modifies hippocampal representations
AD Milstein, Y Li, KC Bittner, C Grienberger, I Soltesz, JC Magee, ...
Elife 10, e73046, 2021
Precise spatiotemporal control of optogenetic activation using an acousto-optic device
K Wang, Y Liu, Y Li, Y Guo, P Song, X Zhang, S Zeng, Z Wang
PLoS One 6 (12), e28468, 2011
Bidirectional synaptic plasticity rapidly modifies hippocampal representations independent of correlated activity
AD Milstein, Y Li, KC Bittner, C Grienberger, I Soltesz, JC Magee, ...
BioRxiv, 2020
A critical role for CaMKII in behavioral timescale synaptic plasticity in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons.
K Xiao, Y Li, RA Chitwood, JC Magee
Science Advance 9, eadi3088, 2023
The formation of an expanding memory representation in the hippocampus
SP Vaidya, G Li, RA Chitwood, Y Li, JC Magee
biorxiv, 2023.02. 01.526663, 2023
Instrumentation of a compact random-access photostimulator based on acousto-optic deflectors
Y Liu, Y Zhao, X Lv, Y Li, X Zhang, J Zhang, L Wang, S Zeng
Review of Scientific Instruments 83 (2), 2012
Mechanisms of memory storage and retrieval in hippocampal area CA3
Y Li, J Briguglio, S Romani, JC Magee
bioRxiv, 2023.05. 30.542781, 2023
Automated, highly reproducible, wide-field, light-based cortical mapping method using a commercial stereo microscope and its applications
S Jiang, YF Liu, XM Wang, KF Liu, DH Zhang, YD Li, AP Yu, XH Zhang, ...
Biomedical Optics Express 7 (9), 3478-3490, 2016
Mechanisms of memory-supporting neuronal dynamics in hippocampal area CA3
Y Li, JJ Briguglio, S Romani, JC Magee
Cell 187 (24), 6804-6819. e21, 2024
Experience-dependent place-cell referencing in hippocampal area CA1
FK Qian, Y Li, JC Magee
bioRxiv, 2023.11. 23.568469, 2023
Selective targeting of perirhinal cortex projection to hippocampal CA1 interneurons
X Li, Y Li, J Zhang, X Zhang
Neuroscience Bulletin 35, 763-765, 2019
大脑中的 GPS 系统——解读 2014 年诺贝尔医学或生理学奖
生命的化学 34 (6), 843-846, 2014
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–14