Madeleine Gibescu
Madeleine Gibescu
Professor of Intermittent Renewable Energy, Utrecht University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Impacts of wind power on thermal generation unit commitment and dispatch
BC Ummels, M Gibescu, E Pelgrum, WL Kling, AJ Brand
IEEE Transactions on energy conversion 22 (1), 44-51, 2007
Scalable training of artificial neural networks with adaptive sparse connectivity inspired by network science
DC Mocanu, E Mocanu, P Stone, PH Nguyen, M Gibescu, A Liotta
Nature communications 9 (1), 2383, 2018
Deep learning for estimating building energy consumption
E Mocanu, PH Nguyen, M Gibescu, WL Kling
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 6, 91-99, 2016
On-line building energy optimization using deep reinforcement learning
E Mocanu, DC Mocanu, PH Nguyen, A Liotta, ME Webber, M Gibescu, ...
IEEE transactions on smart grid 10 (4), 3698-3708, 2018
An integrated blockchain-based energy management platform with bilateral trading for microgrid communities
G van Leeuwen, T AlSkaif, M Gibescu, W van Sark
Applied Energy 263, 114613, 2020
Operating reserves and wind power integration: An international comparison
M Milligan, P Donohoo, D Lew, E Ela, B Kirby, H Holttinen, E Lannoye, ...
National Renewable Energy Lab.(NREL), Golden, CO (United States), 2010
Unsupervised energy prediction in a Smart Grid context using reinforcement cross-building transfer learning
E Mocanu, PH Nguyen, WL Kling, M Gibescu
Energy and Buildings 116, 646-655, 2016
Optimizing the operation of energy storage using a non-linear lithium-ion battery degradation model
A Maheshwari, NG Paterakis, M Santarelli, M Gibescu
Applied Energy 261, 114360, 2020
A review of multi-energy system planning and optimization tools for sustainable urban development
I Van Beuzekom, M Gibescu, JG Slootweg
2015 IEEE Eindhoven PowerTech, 1-7, 2015
Deep learning versus traditional machine learning methods for aggregated energy demand prediction
NG Paterakis, E Mocanu, M Gibescu, B Stappers, W van Alst
2017 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe (ISGT …, 2017
Local market framework for exploiting flexibility from the end users
SS Torbaghan, N Blaauwbroek, P Nguyen, M Gibescu
2016 13th International Conference on the European Energy Market (EEM), 1-6, 2016
Scenario-based modelling of future residential electricity demands and assessing their impact on distribution grids
E Veldman, M Gibescu, HJG Slootweg, WL Kling
Energy policy 56, 233-247, 2013
Advanced hybrid transient stability and EMT simulation for VSC-HVDC systems
AA van der Meer, M Gibescu, MAMM van der Meijden, WL Kling, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 30 (3), 1057-1066, 2014
A topological insight into restricted boltzmann machines
DC Mocanu, E Mocanu, PH Nguyen, M Gibescu, A Liotta
Machine Learning 104, 243-270, 2016
A community-based energy market design using decentralized decision-making under uncertainty
JL Crespo-Vazquez, T AlSkaif, AM Gonzalez-Rueda, M Gibescu
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 12 (2), 1782-1793, 2020
A market-based framework for demand side flexibility scheduling and dispatching
SS Torbaghan, N Blaauwbroek, D Kuiken, M Gibescu, M Hajighasemi, ...
Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks 14, 47-61, 2018
Bottom-up Markov Chain Monte Carlo approach for scenario based residential load modelling with publicly available data
M Nijhuis, M Gibescu, JFG Cobben
Energy and Buildings 112, 121-129, 2016
Short-term energy balancing with increasing levels of wind energy
J Kiviluoma, P Meibom, A Tuohy, N Troy, M Milligan, B Lange, M Gibescu, ...
IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy 3 (4), 769-776, 2012
Estimation of variability and predictability of large‐scale wind energy in The Netherlands
M Gibescu, AJ Brand, WL Kling
Wind Energy: An International Journal for Progress and Applications in Wind …, 2009
Enabling cooperative behavior for building demand response based on extended joint action learning
LA Hurtado, E Mocanu, PH Nguyen, M Gibescu, RIG Kamphuis
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (1), 127-136, 2017
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