Anne Bourdon
Anne Bourdon
Directrice de Recherche au CNRS, Laboratoire LPP, Ecole Polytechnique
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Efficient models for photoionization produced by non-thermal gas discharges in air based on radiative transfer and the Helmholtz equations
A Bourdon, VP Pasko, NY Liu, S Célestin, P Ségur, E Marode
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 16 (3), 656, 2007
Ignition of propane–air mixtures by a repetitively pulsed nanosecond discharge
SV Pancheshnyi, DA Lacoste, A Bourdon, CO Laux
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 34 (6), 2478-2487, 2006
The 2022 Plasma Roadmap: low temperature plasma science and technology
I Adamovich, S Agarwal, E Ahedo, LL Alves, S Baalrud, N Babaeva, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 55 (37), 373001, 2022
Fire II flight experiment analysis by means of a collisional-radiative model
M Panesi, T Magin, A Bourdon, A Bultel, O Chazot
Journal of thermophysics and heat transfer 23 (2), 236-248, 2009
Numerical and experimental study of the dynamics of a μs helium plasma gun discharge with various amounts of N2 admixture
A Bourdon, T Darny, F Pechereau, JM Pouvesle, P Viegas, S Iséni, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 25 (3), 035002, 2016
Influence of Ar 2+ in an argon collisional-radiative model
A Bultel, B van Ootegem, A Bourdon, P Vervisch
Physical review E 65 (4), 046406, 2002
Physics of E× B discharges relevant to plasma propulsion and similar technologies
ID Kaganovich, A Smolyakov, Y Raitses, E Ahedo, IG Mikellides, B Jorns, ...
Physics of Plasmas 27 (12), 2020
Collisional-radiative model in air for earth re-entry problems
A Bultel, BG Chéron, A Bourdon, O Motapon, IF Schneider
Physics of plasmas 13 (4), 2006
The use of an improved Eddington approximation to facilitate the calculation of photoionization in streamer discharges
P Ségur, A Bourdon, E Marode, D Bessieres, JH Paillol
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 15 (4), 648, 2006
2D axial-azimuthal particle-in-cell benchmark for low-temperature partially magnetized plasmas
T Charoy, JP Boeuf, A Bourdon, JA Carlsson, P Chabert, B Cuenot, ...
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 28 (10), 105010, 2019
Coarse-grain model for internal energy excitation and dissociation of molecular nitrogen
TE Magin, M Panesi, A Bourdon, RL Jaffe, DW Schwenke
Chemical Physics 398, 90-95, 2012
Electronic excitation of atoms and molecules for the FIRE II flight experiment
M Panesi, TE Magin, A Bourdon, A Bultel, O Chazot
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 25 (3), 361-374, 2011
Numerical simulation of filamentary discharges with parallel adaptive mesh refinement
S Pancheshnyi, P Ségur, J Capeillère, A Bourdon
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (13), 6574-6590, 2008
Simulation of the discharge propagation in a capillary tube in air at atmospheric pressure
J Jánský, F Tholin, Z Bonaventura, A Bourdon
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (39), 395201, 2010
Simulation of the hydrodynamic expansion following a nanosecond pulsed spark discharge in air at atmospheric pressure
F Tholin, A Bourdon
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46 (36), 365205, 2013
Electric field determination in streamer discharges in air at atmospheric pressure
Z Bonaventura, A Bourdon, S Celestin, VP Pasko
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 20 (3), 035012, 2011
2D particle-in-cell simulations of the electron drift instability and associated anomalous electron transport in Hall-effect thrusters
V Croes, T Lafleur, Z Bonaventura, A Bourdon, P Chabert
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 26 (3), 034001, 2017
Physics of plasma jets and interaction with surfaces: review on modelling and experiments
P Viegas, E Slikboer, Z Bonaventura, O Guaitella, A Sobota, A Bourdon
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 31 (5), 053001, 2022
Physics and applications of atmospheric non-thermal air plasma with reference to environment
E Marode, D Djermoune, P Dessante, C Deniset, P Ségur, F Bastien, ...
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 51 (12), 124002, 2009
Air‐density‐dependent model for analysis of air heating associated with streamers, leaders, and transient luminous events
JA Riousset, VP Pasko, A Bourdon
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 115 (A12), 2010
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Articles 1–20