Mei Liu
Mei Liu
Associate Professor, University of Florida
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Prediction of protein–protein interactions using random decision forest framework
XW Chen, M Liu
Bioinformatics 21 (24), 4394-4400, 2005
A study of machine-learning-based approaches to extract clinical entities and their assertions from discharge summaries
M Jiang, Y Chen, M Liu, ST Rosenbloom, S Mani, JC Denny, H Xu
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 18 (5), 601-606, 2011
Large-scale prediction of adverse drug reactions using chemical, biological, and phenotypic properties of drugs
M Liu, Y Wu, Y Chen, J Sun, Z Zhao, X Chen, ME Matheny, H Xu
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 19 (e1), e28-e35, 2012
Application of evolutionary computation for rule discovery in stock algorithmic trading: a literature review
Y Hu, K Liu, X Zhang, L Su, EWT Ngai, M Liu
Applied Soft Computing, 534-551, 2015
Software project risk analysis using Bayesian networks with causality constraints
Y Hu, X Zhang, EWT Ngai, R Cai, M Liu
Decision Support Systems 56, 439-449, 2013
Poster: A reliable and accountable privacy-preserving federated learning framework using the blockchain
S Awan, F Li, B Luo, M Liu
Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC conference on computer and communications …, 2019
A causal feature selection algorithm for stock prediction modeling
X Zhang, Y Hu, K Xie, S Wang, EWT Ngai, M Liu
Neurocomputing 142, 48-59, 2014
Cross-site transportability of an explainable artificial intelligence model for acute kidney injury prediction
X Song, ASL Yu, JA Kellum, LR Waitman, ME Matheny, SQ Simpson, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 5668, 2020
Stock Trading Rule Discovery with an Evolutionary Trend Following Model
Y Hu, B Feng, X Zhang, EWT Ngai, M Liu
Expert Systems with Applications 42 (1), 212-222, 2015
Identification of adverse drug-drug interactions through causal association rule discovery from spontaneous adverse event reports
R Cai, M Liu, Y Hu, BL Melton, ME Matheny, LR Duan, Lian, Waitman
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 2017
Comparative analysis of pharmacovigilance methods in the detection of adverse drug reactions using electronic medical records
M Liu, ER McPeek Hinz, ME Matheny, JC Denny, JS Schildcrout, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 20 (3), 420-426, 2013
Robust clinical marker identification for diabetic kidney disease with ensemble feature selection
X Song, LR Waitman, Y Hu, ASL Yu, DC Robbins, L Mei
Journal of American Medical Informatics Association 26 (3), 242-253, 2019
Predicting inpatient acute kidney injury over different time horizons: how early and accurate?
P Cheng, LR Waitman, Y Hu, M Liu
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2017, 565, 2018
Ranking gene-drug relationships in biomedical literature using latent dirichlet allocation
Y Wu, M Liu, WJ Zheng, Z Zhao, H Xu
Biocomputing 2012, 422-433, 2012
An integrative framework for intelligent software project risk planning
Y Hu, J Du, X Zhang, X Hao, EWT Ngai, M Fan, M Liu
Decision Support Systems 55 (4), 927-937, 2013
A study of transportability of an existing smoking status detection module across institutions
M Liu, A Shah, M Jiang, NB Peterson, Q Dai, MC Aldrich, Q Chen, ...
AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings 2012, 577, 2012
Software project risk management modeling with neural network and support vector machine approaches
Y Hu, J Huang, J Chen, M Liu, K Xie
Third International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC 2007) 3, 358-362, 2007
COVID-19 SignSym: a fast adaptation of a general clinical NLP tool to identify and normalize COVID-19 signs and symptoms to OMOP common data model
J Wang, N Abu-el-Rub, J Gray, HA Pham, Y Zhou, FJ Manion, M Liu, ...
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 28 (6), 1275-1283, 2021
Long-term kidney function recovery and mortality after COVID-19-associated acute kidney injury: an international multi-centre observational cohort study
BWL Tan, BWQ Tan, ALM Tan, ER Schriver, A Gutiérrez-Sacristán, P Das, ...
EClinicalMedicine 55, 2023
A scalable intelligent non-content-based spam-filtering framework
Y Hu, C Guo, EWT Ngai, M Liu, S Chen
Expert Systems with Applications 37 (12), 8557-8565, 2010
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