Mohammad Sharifzadeh
Mohammad Sharifzadeh
PhD, SMIEEE, Senior Power Electronics Engineer
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Cited by
Modified seven-level pack U-cell inverter for photovoltaic applications
H Vahedi, M Sharifzadeh, K Al-Haddad
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 6 (3 …, 2018
Packed E-Cell (PEC) converter topology operation and experimental validation
M Sharifzadeh, K Al-Haddad
IEEE Access 7, 93049-93061, 2019
Hybrid SHM–SHE modulation technique for a four-leg NPC inverter with DC capacitor self-voltage balancing
M Sharifzadeh, H Vahedi, A Sheikholeslami, PA Labbe, K Al-Haddad
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 62 (8), 4890-4899, 2015
Selective harmonic mitigation based self-elimination of triplen harmonics for single-phase five-level inverters
M Sharifzadeh, H Vahedi, R Portillo, LG Franquelo, K Al-Haddad
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 34 (1), 86-96, 2018
Hybrid SHM-SHE Pulse Amplitude Modulation for High Power Four-Leg Inverter
M Sharifzadeh, H Vahedi, R Portillo, M Khenar, A Sheikholeslami, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (11), 7234 - 7242, 2016
Floating weighting factors ANN-MPC based on Lyapunov stability for seven-level modified PUC active rectifier
M Babaie, M Mehrasa, M Sharifzadeh, K Al-Haddad
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 69 (1), 387-398, 2021
A back-stepping control method for modular multilevel converters
M Ahmadijokani, M Mehrasa, M Sleiman, M Sharifzadeh, ...
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 68 (1), 443-453, 2020
Switching-based optimized sliding-mode control for capacitor self-voltage balancing operation of seven-level PUC inverter
M Babaie, M Sharifzadeh, HY Kanaan, K Al-Haddad
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 68 (4), 3044-3057, 2020
Multilevel Switching Mode Operation of Finite Set Model Predictive Control for Grid-Connected Packed E-Cell (PEC) Inverter
F Sebaaly, M Sharifzadeh, HY Kanaan, K Al-Haddad
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2020
Supervised learning model predictive control trained by ABC algorithm for common-mode voltage suppression in NPC inverter
M Babaie, M Sharifzadeh, M Mehrasa, G Chouinard, K Al-Haddad
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 9 (3 …, 2020
New Constraint in SHE-PWM for Single-Phase Inverter Applications
M Sharifzadeh, H Vahedi, K Al-Haddad
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 54 (5), 4554 - 4562, 2018
New constraint in SHE-PWM for single phase inverter applications
M Sharifzadeh, H Vahedi, K Al-Haddad
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 54 (5), 4554 - 4562, 2018
An input–output feedback linearization control method synthesized by artificial neural network for grid-tied packed E-cell inverter
M Mehrasa, M Babaie, M Sharifzadeh, K Al-Haddad
IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications 57 (3), 3131-3142, 2021
Optimized based algorithm first order sliding mode control for grid-connected packed e-cell (PEC) inverter
M Babaie, M Sharifzadeh, M Mehrasa, K Al-Haddad
2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2269-2273, 2019
Optimised harmonic elimination modulation extended to four‐leg neutral‐point‐clamped inverter
M Sharifzadeh, A Sheikholeslami, H Vahedi, H Ghoreishy, PA Labbé, ...
IET Power Electronics 9 (3), 441-448, 2016
Single-DC-source 7-level CHB inverter with multicarrier level-shifted PWM
H Vahedi, M Sharifzadeh, K Al-Haddad, BM Wilamowski
IECON 2015-41st Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2015
PV panels maximum power point tracking based on ANN in three-phase packed e-cell inverter
M Babaie, M Sharifzadeh, M Mehrasa, G Chouinard, K Al-Haddad
2020 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), 854-859, 2020
Lyapunov based neural network estimator designed for grid-tied nine-level packed E-cell inverter
M Babaie, M Sharifzadeh, M Mehrasa, K Al-Haddad
2020 IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 3311-3315, 2020
Selective harmonic elimination modulation technique applied on four-leg NPC
M Sharifzade, H Vahedi, A Sheikholeslami, H Ghoreishy, AIH Kamal
2014 IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE …, 2014
Hybrid SHM-PWM for common-mode voltage reduction in three-phase three-level NPC inverter
M Sharifzadeh, M Babaie, G Chouinard, K Al-Haddad, R Portillo, ...
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 9 (4 …, 2020
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Articles 1–20