Sam Daly
Cited by
Cited by
Digital image correlation under scanning electron microscopy: methodology and validation
AD Kammers, S Daly
Experimental Mechanics 53, 1743-1761, 2013
Stress-induced martensitic phase transformation in thin sheets of Nitinol
S Daly, G Ravichandran, K Bhattacharya
Acta Materialia 55 (10), 3593-3600, 2007
Tension, compression, and bending of superelastic shape memory alloy tubes
B Reedlunn, CB Churchill, EE Nelson, JA Shaw, SH Daly
Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 63, 506-537, 2014
Self-assembled nanoparticle surface patterning for improved digital image correlation in a scanning electron microscope
AD Kammers, S Daly
Experimental Mechanics 53, 1333-1341, 2013
Small-scale patterning methods for digital image correlation under scanning electron microscopy
AD Kammers, S Daly
Measurement Science and Technology 22 (12), 125501, 2011
An experimental investigation of crack initiation in thin sheets of nitinol
S Daly, A Miller, G Ravichandran, K Bhattacharya
Acta Materialia 55 (18), 6322-6330, 2007
Superelastic shape memory alloy cables: Part I–isothermal tension experiments
B Reedlunn, S Daly, J Shaw
International Journal of Solids and Structures 50 (20-21), 3009-3026, 2013
Damage mechanism identification in composites via machine learning and acoustic emission
C Muir, B Swaminathan, AS Almansour, K Sevener, C Smith, M Presby, ...
npj Computational Materials 7 (1), 95, 2021
Active slip system identification in polycrystalline metals by digital image correlation (DIC)
Z Chen, SH Daly
Experimental Mechanics 57, 115-127, 2017
Tips and tricks for characterizing shape memory wire part 5: full-field strain measurement by digital image correlation
B Reedlunn, S Daly, L Hector, P Zavattieri, J Shaw
Experimental Techniques 37, 62-78, 2013
The effects of heat treatment on the response of WE43 Mg alloy: crystal plasticity finite element simulation and SEM-DIC experiment
S Ganesan, M Yaghoobi, A Githens, Z Chen, S Daly, JE Allison, ...
International Journal of Plasticity 137, 102917, 2021
Characterizing microscale deformation mechanisms and macroscopic tensile properties of a high strength magnesium rare-earth alloy: A combined experimental and crystal …
A Githens, S Ganesan, Z Chen, J Allison, V Sundararaghavan, S Daly
Acta Materialia 186, 77-94, 2020
Martensite strain memory in the shape memory alloy nickel-titanium under mechanical cycling
K Kim, S Daly
Experimental mechanics 51, 641-652, 2011
Crack opening behavior in ceramic matrix composites
KM Sevener, JM Tracy, Z Chen, JD Kiser, S Daly
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 100 (10), 4734-4747, 2017
High-resolution deformation mapping across large fields of view using scanning electron microscopy and digital image correlation
Z Chen, W Lenthe, JC Stinville, M Echlin, TM Pollock, S Daly
Experimental Mechanics 58, 1407-1421, 2018
Grain size effects on NiTi shape memory alloy fatigue crack growth
WS LePage, A Ahadi, WC Lenthe, QP Sun, TM Pollock, JA Shaw, SH Daly
Journal of Materials Research 33 (2), 91-107, 2018
The effect of microstructure on the relationship between grain boundary sliding and slip transmission in high purity aluminum
MA Linne, TR Bieler, S Daly
International Journal of Plasticity 135, 102818, 2020
The effect of texture on stress-induced martensite formation in nickel–titanium
K Kim, S Daly
Smart materials and structures 22 (7), 075012, 2013
Investigating environmental effects on small fatigue crack growth in Ti–6242S using combined ultrasonic fatigue and scanning electron microscopy
J Geathers, CJ Torbet, JW Jones, S Daly
International Journal of Fatigue 70, 154-162, 2015
Optimum paint sequence for speckle patterns in digital image correlation
WS LePage, JA Shaw, SH Daly
Experimental Techniques 41, 557-563, 2017
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Articles 1–20