Zhengtang Luo
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Cited by
Intrinsic response of graphene vapor sensors
Y Dan, Y Lu, NJ Kybert, Z Luo, ATC Johnson
Nano letters 9 (4), 1472-1475, 2009
DNA translocation through graphene nanopores
CA Merchant, K Healy, M Wanunu, V Ray, N Peterman, J Bartel, ...
Nano letters 10 (8), 2915-2921, 2010
High yield preparation of macroscopic graphene oxide membranes
Z Luo, Y Lu, LA Somers, ATC Johnson
Journal of the American Chemical Society 131 (3), 898-899, 2009
Photoluminescence and band gap modulation in graphene oxide
Z Luo, PM Vora, EJ Mele, AT Johnson, JM Kikkawa
Applied physics letters 94 (11), 2009
Effect of substrate roughness and feedstock concentration on growth of wafer-scale graphene at atmospheric pressure
Z Luo, Y Lu, DW Singer, ME Berck, LA Somers, BR Goldsmith, ...
Chemistry of Materials 23 (6), 1441-1447, 2011
Rational design of graphene‐supported single atom catalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction
MD Hossain, Z Liu, M Zhuang, X Yan, GL Xu, CA Gadre, A Tyagi, IH Abidi, ...
Advanced Energy Materials 9 (10), 1803689, 2019
Polymer-Embedded Fabrication of Co2P Nanoparticles Encapsulated in N,P-Doped Graphene for Hydrogen Generation
M Zhuang, X Ou, Y Dou, L Zhang, Q Zhang, R Wu, Y Ding, M Shao, Z Luo
Nano letters 16 (7), 4691-4698, 2016
Turning off hydrogen to realize seeded growth of subcentimeter single-crystal graphene grains on copper
L Gan, Z Luo
Acs Nano 7 (10), 9480-9488, 2013
Thermal management of lithium ion batteries using graphene coated nickel foam saturated with phase change materials
A Hussain, IH Abidi, CY Tso, KC Chan, Z Luo, CYH Chao
International journal of thermal sciences 124, 23-35, 2018
The antibacterial applications of graphene and its derivatives
L Shi, J Chen, L Teng, L Wang, G Zhu, S Liu, Z Luo, X Shi, Y Wang, L Ren
Small 12 (31), 4165-4184, 2016
Molecular-Beam Epitaxy of Two-Dimensional In2Se3 and Its Giant Electroresistance Switching in Ferroresistive Memory Junction
SM Poh, SJR Tan, H Wang, P Song, IH Abidi, X Zhao, J Dan, J Chen, ...
Nano letters 18 (10), 6340-6346, 2018
Growth mechanism of hexagonal-shape graphene flakes with zigzag edges
Z Luo, S Kim, N Kawamoto, AM Rappe, ATC Johnson
ACS nano 5 (11), 9154-9160, 2011
Synthesis of 2D transition metal dichalcogenides by chemical vapor deposition with controlled layer number and morphology
J You, MD Hossain, Z Luo
Nano convergence 5 (1), 26, 2018
Reaction mechanism and kinetics for CO2 reduction on nickel single atom catalysts from quantum mechanics
MD Hossain, Y Huang, TH Yu, WA Goddard III, Z Luo
Nature communications 11 (1), 2256, 2020
Size-selective nanoparticle growth on few-layer graphene films
Z Luo, LA Somers, Y Dan, T Ly, NJ Kybert, EJ Mele, ATC Johnson
Nano letters 10 (3), 777-781, 2010
A monolayer graphene–Nafion sandwich membrane for direct methanol fuel cells
XH Yan, R Wu, JB Xu, Z Luo, TS Zhao
Journal of power sources 311, 188-194, 2016
Strategies on phase control in transition metal dichalcogenides
R Wang, Y Yu, S Zhou, H Li, H Wong, Z Luo, L Gan, T Zhai
Advanced Functional Materials 28 (47), 1802473, 2018
Chemical vapor deposition of boron nitride nanosheets on metallic substrates via decaborane/ammonia reactions
S Chatterjee, Z Luo, M Acerce, DM Yates, ATC Johnson, LG Sneddon
Chemistry of materials 23 (20), 4414-4416, 2011
Controlled doping of graphene using ultraviolet irradiation
Z Luo, NJ Pinto, Y Davila, AT Charlie Johnson
Applied Physics Letters 100 (25), 2012
Reduced graphene oxide functionalized nanofibrous silk fibroin matrices for engineering excitable tissues
G Zhao, H Qing, G Huang, GM Genin, TJ Lu, Z Luo, F Xu, X Zhang
NPG Asia Materials 10 (10), 982-994, 2018
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Articles 1–20