Meisam Abdi
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Cited by
Strategies for functionally graded lattice structures derived using topology optimisation for additive manufacturing
A Panesar, M Abdi, D Hickman, I Ashcroft
Additive manufacturing 19, 81-94, 2018
Additive manufacturing of metamaterials: A review
M Askari, DA Hutchins, PJ Thomas, L Astolfi, RL Watson, M Abdi, M Ricci, ...
Additive Manufacturing 36, 101562, 2020
Investigation of passive oscillations of flexible splitter plates attached to a circular cylinder
R Abdi, N Rezazadeh, M Abdi
Journal of Fluids and Structures 84, 302-317, 2019
Design optimisation for an additively manufactured automotive component
M Abdi, I Ashcroft, RD Wildman
International Journal of Powertrains 7 (1-3), 142-161, 2018
Topology optimization of geometrically nonlinear structures using an evolutionary optimization method
M Abdi, I Ashcroft, R Wildman
Engineering Optimization 50 (11), 1850-1870, 2018
Evolutionary topology optimization using the extended finite element method and isolines
M Abdi, R Wildman, I Ashcroft
Engineering Optimization 46 (5), 628-647, 2014
Reduction of fluid forces and vortex shedding frequency of a circular cylinder using rigid splitter plates
R Abdi, N Rezazadeh, M Abdi
European Journal of Computational Mechanics 26 (3), 225-244, 2017
Exploiting generative design for 3D printing of bacterial biofilm resistant composite devices
Y He, M Abdi, GF Trindade, B Begines, JF Dubern, E Prina, AL Hook, ...
Advanced Science 8 (15), 2100249, 2021
Evolutionary topology optimization of continuum structures using X-FEM and isovalues of structural performance
M Abdi
University of Nottingham, 2015
Numerical simulation and active vibration control of piezoelectric smart structures
M Abdi, AK Mohammadi
International Review of Mechanical Engineering 3 (2), 175-181, 2009
Insight into the mechanical properties of 3D printed strut-based lattice structures
HMA Ali, M Abdi, Y Sun
Progress in Additive Manufacturing 8, 919–931, 2023
Design of a programmable particle filtering medium using a novel auxetic metamaterial
HMA Ali, M Abdi, SA Zahedi, Y Sun
Smart Materials and Structures 32 (6), 064006, 2023
High Resolution Topology Design with Iso-XFEM
M Abdi, I Ashcroft, R Wildman
25th Annual international solid freeform fabrication symposium, 1288-1303, 2014
Multi-objective parametric shape optimisation of body-centred cubic lattice structures for additive manufacturing
HMA Ali, M Abdi
Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 7 (5), 156, 2023
An X-FEM based approach for topology optimization of continuum structures
M Abdi, I Ashcroft, R Wildman
Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications …, 2014
Influence of Surface Area on Dissolution of Additively Manufactured Polyvinyl Alcohol Tablets
S Afkhami, M Abdi, R Baserinia
International Journal of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 18 (3), 72-75, 2024
From Darcy to turbulent flow: Investigating flow characteristics and regime transitions in porous media
R Abdi, M Krzaczek, M Abdi
Physics of Fluids 36 (10), 2024
A comparative analysis of mechanical and surface properties of FCC lattice in FFF and MJF-based additive manufacturing
M Nasr Azadani, M Abdi, K Ramachandran, CL Gnanasagaran
Progress in Additive Manufacturing, 1-15, 2025
Effect of Geometry on the Dissolution Behaviour of Complex Additively Manufactured Tablets
S Afkhami, M Abdi, R Baserinia
Journal of Manufacturing and Materials Processing 9 (1), 11, 2025
Insights into the flow characteristics during hydraulic fracturing
R Abdi, M Krzaczek, M Abdi
Computational Particle Mechanics, 1-15, 2024
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Articles 1–20