Konstantinos Beis
Konstantinos Beis
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Overcoming the challenges of membrane protein crystallography
EP Carpenter, K Beis, AD Cameron, S Iwata
Current opinion in structural biology 18 (5), 581-586, 2008
Wza the translocon for E. coli capsular polysaccharides defines a new class of membrane protein
C Dong, K Beis, J Nesper, AL Brunkan-LaMontagne, BR Clarke, ...
Nature 444 (7116), 226-229, 2006
Structural and functional diversity calls for a new classification of ABC transporters
C Thomas, SG Aller, K Beis, EP Carpenter, G Chang, L Chen, E Dassa, ...
FEBS letters 594 (23), 3767-3775, 2020
Structural basis for the mechanism of ABC transporters
K Beis
Biochemical Society Transactions 43 (5), 889-893, 2015
Structure of an antibacterial peptide ATP-binding cassette transporter in a novel outward occluded state
HG Choudhury, Z Tong, I Mathavan, Y Li, S Iwata, S Zirah, S Rebuffat, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (25), 9145-9150, 2014
Benchmarking membrane protein detergent stability for improving throughput of high-resolution X-ray structures
Y Sonoda, S Newstead, NJ Hu, Y Alguel, E Nji, K Beis, S Yashiro, C Lee, ...
Structure 19 (1), 17-25, 2011
The 3D structure of a periplasm-spanning platform required for assembly of group 1 capsular polysaccharides in Escherichia coli
RF Collins, K Beis, C Dong, CH Botting, C McDonnell, RC Ford, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (7), 2390-2395, 2007
Altered antibiotic transport in OmpC mutants isolated from a series of clinical strains of multi-drug resistant E. coli
H Lou, M Chen, SS Black, SR Bushell, M Ceccarelli, T Mach, K Beis, ...
PloS one 6 (10), e25825, 2011
Learning the ABCs one at a time: structure and mechanism of ABC transporters
RC Ford, K Beis
Biochemical Society Transactions 47 (1), 23-36, 2019
OmpK36-mediated Carbapenem resistance attenuates ST258 Klebsiella pneumoniae in vivo
JLC Wong, M Romano, LE Kerry, HS Kwong, WW Low, SJ Brett, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3957, 2019
Translocation of group 1 capsular polysaccharide in Escherichia coli serotype K30: structural and functional analysis of the outer membrane lipoprotein Wza
J Nesper, CMD Hill, A Paiment, G Harauz, K Beis, JH Naismith, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (50), 49763-49772, 2003
Toward a structural understanding of the dehydratase mechanism
STM Allard, K Beis, MF Giraud, AD Hegeman, JW Gross, RC Wilmouth, ...
Structure 10 (1), 81-92, 2002
Functional characterization of SbmA, a bacterial inner membrane transporter required for importing the antimicrobial peptide Bac7 (1-35)
G Runti, MC Lopez Ruiz, T Stoilova, R Hussain, M Jennions, ...
Journal of bacteriology 195 (23), 5343-5351, 2013
Crystal structures of Mycobacteria tuberculosis and Klebsiella pneumoniae UDP-galactopyranose mutase in the oxidised state and Klebsiella pneumoniae UDP-galactopyranose mutase …
K Beis, V Srikannathasan, H Liu, SWB Fullerton, VA Bamford, ...
Journal of molecular biology 348 (4), 971-982, 2005
A Novel Outer Membrane Protein, Wzi, Is Involved in Surface Assembly of the Escherichia coli K30 Group 1 Capsule
A Rahn, K Beis, JH Naismith, C Whitfield
Journal of bacteriology 185 (19), 5882-5890, 2003
Structural basis for hijacking siderophore receptors by antimicrobial lasso peptides
I Mathavan, S Zirah, S Mehmood, HG Choudhury, C Goulard, Y Li, ...
Nature chemical biology 10 (5), 340-342, 2014
Periplasmic protein-protein contacts in the inner membrane protein Wzc form a tetrameric complex required for the assembly of Escherichia coli group 1 capsules
RF Collins, K Beis, BR Clarke, RC Ford, M Hulley, JH Naismith, ...
Journal of Biological Chemistry 281 (4), 2144-2150, 2006
Structural basis for antibacterial peptide self‐immunity by the bacterial ABC transporter McjD
K Bountra, G Hagelueken, HG Choudhury, V Corradi, K El Omari, ...
The EMBO journal 36 (20), 3062-3079, 2017
Substrate-bound outward-open structure of a Na+-coupled sialic acid symporter reveals a new Na+ site
WY Wahlgren, E Dunevall, RA North, A Paz, M Scalise, P Bisignano, ...
Nature Communications 9 (1), 1753, 2018
The structure of the efflux pump AcrB in complex with bile acid
D Drew, MM Klepsch, S Newstead, R Flaig, JW De Gier, S Iwata, K Beis
Molecular membrane biology 25 (8), 677-682, 2008
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