Поклонский, Николай Александрович (NA Poklonski)
Поклонский, Николай Александрович (NA Poklonski)
Belarusian State University, Faculty of Physics, 4 Nezavisimosti Av., 220030 Minsk, Belarus
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Основы импедансной спектроскопии композитов
НА Поклонский, НИ Горбачук
Минск: БГУ, 2005
Magneto-optical transport properties of monolayer MoS2 on polar substrates
CV Nguyen, NN Hieu, NA Poklonski, VV Ilyasov, L Dinh, TC Phong, ...
Physical Review B 96 (12), 125411, 2017
Tuning the Electronic Properties, Effective Mass and Carrier Mobility of MoS2 Monolayer by Strain Engineering: First-Principle Calculations
HV Phuc, NN Hieu, BD Hoi, NV Hieu, TV Thu, NM Hung, VV Ilyasov, ...
Journal of Electronic Materials 47, 730-736, 2018
First-principles study of the structural and electronic properties of graphene/MoS2 interfaces
NN Hieu, HV Phuc, VV Ilyasov, ND Chien, NA Poklonski, N Van Hieu, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 122 (10), 2017
Electrostatic models of insulator-metal and metal-insulator concentration phase transitions in Ge and Si crystals doped by hydrogen-like impurities
NA Poklonski, SA Vyrko, AG Zabrodskii
Physics of the Solid State 46, 1101-1106, 2004
Synergy of physical properties of low-dimensional carbon-based systems for nanoscale device design
NA Poklonski, SA Vyrko, AI Siahlo, ON Poklonskaya, SV Ratkevich, ...
Materials Research Express 6 (4), 042002, 2019
Screening of electrostatic fields in crystalline semiconductors by electrons hopping over defects
NA Poklonski, VF Stelmakh
physica status solidi (b) 117 (1), 93-99, 1983
Negative capacitance (impedance of the inductive type) of silicon p +-n junctions irradiated with fast electrons
NA Poklonski, SV Shpakovski, NI Gorbachuk, SB Lastovskii
Semiconductors 40, 803-807, 2006
First principles study of optical properties of molybdenum disulfide: From bulk to monolayer
NN Hieu, VV Ilyasov, TV Vu, NA Poklonski, HV Phuc, LTT Phuong, BD Hoi, ...
Superlattices and Microstructures 115, 10-18, 2018
A lattice model of nearest-neighbor hopping conduction and its application to neutron-doped Ge:Ga
NA Poklonskii, SY Lopatin, AG Zabrodskii
Physics of the Solid State 42 (3), 441-449, 2000
Electronic, optical, and thermoelectric properties of Janus In-based monochalcogenides
TV Vu, VTT Vi, HV Phuc, CV Nguyen, NA Poklonski, CA Duque, DP Rai, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 33 (22), 225503, 2021
Screening of electrostatic fields in semiconductors by multicharged defects
NA Poklonskii, VF Stelmakh, VD Tkachev, SV Voitikov
physica status solidi (b) 88 (2), K165-K168, 1978
Electronic structure model of a metal-filled carbon nanotube
NA Poklonskii, EF Kislyakov, GG Fedoruk, SA Vyrko
Physics of the Solid State 42, 1966-1971, 2000
Interaction of a graphene sheet with a ferromagnetic metal plate
AD Phan, NA Viet, NA Poklonski, LM Woods, CH Le
Physical Review B 86 (15), 155419 (5 pp.), 2012
Статистическая физика полупроводников
НА Поклонский, СА Вырко, СЛ Поденок
М.: КомКнига (УРСС), 2005
Calculation of capacitance of self-compensated semiconductors with intercenter hops of one and two electrons (by the example of silicon with radiation defects)
NA Poklonski, SA Vyrko, AG Zabrodskii
Semiconductors 42, 1388-1394, 2008
Transition temperature from band to hopping direct current conduction in crystalline semiconductors with hydrogen-like impurities: Heat versus Coulomb attraction
NA Poklonski, SA Vyrko, ON Poklonskaya, AG Zabrodskii
Journal of Applied Physics 110 (12), 123702 (7 pp.), 2011
A model of how the thermal ionization energy of impurities in semiconductors depends on their concentration and compensation
NA Poklonskii, AI Syaglo, G Biskupski
Semiconductors 33, 402-406, 1999
AA stacking, tribological and electronic properties of double-layer graphene with krypton spacer
AM Popov, IV Lebedeva, AA Knizhnik, YE Lozovik, BV Potapkin, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 139 (15), 154705 (11 pp.), 2013
Uniaxially deformed (5, 5) carbon nanotube: Structural transitions
NA Poklonski, EF Kislyakov, NN Hieu, SA Vyrko, AM Popov, YE Lozovik
Chemical Physics Letters 464 (4-6), 187-191, 2008
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Articles 1–20