Eduardo Landulfo
Eduardo Landulfo
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The CHUVA project: How does convection vary across Brazil?
LAT Machado, MAFS Dias, C Morales, G Fisch, D Vila, R Albrecht, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 95 (9), 1365-1380, 2014
Synergetic measurements of aerosols over São Paulo, Brazil using LIDAR, sunphotometer and satellite data during the dry season
E Landulfo, A Papayannis, P Artaxo, ADA Castanho, AZ De Freitas, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 3 (5), 1523-1539, 2003
Application of fluorescence to the study of crude petroleum
J Steffens, E Landulfo, LC Courrol, R Guardani
Journal of fluorescence 21, 859-864, 2011
Filtration efficiency of a large set of COVID-19 face masks commonly used in Brazil
FG Morais, VK Sakano, LN Lima, MA Franco, DC Reis, LM Zanchetta, ...
Aerosol Science and Technology 55 (9), 1028-1041, 2021
Study of the planetary boundary layer by microwave radiometer, elastic lidar and Doppler lidar estimations in Southern Iberian Peninsula
G de Arruda Moreira, JL Guerrero-Rascado, JA Bravo-Aranda, ...
Atmospheric Research 213, 185-195, 2018
Identification and Quadrupole-Moment Measurement of a Superdeformed Band in 84 Zr
HQ Jin, C Baktash, MJ Brinkman, CJ Gross, DG Sarantites, IY Lee, ...
Physical review letters 75 (8), 1471, 1995
Study of the planetary boundary layer height in an urban environment using a combination of microwave radiometer and ceilometer
G de Arruda Moreira, JL Guerrero-Rascado, JA Bravo-Aranda, ...
Atmospheric Research 240, 104932, 2020
Evaluating CALIPSO's 532 nm lidar ratio selection algorithm using AERONET sun photometers in Brazil
FJS Lopes, E Landulfo, MA Vaughan
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques 6 (11), 3281-3299, 2013
Latin American Lidar Network (LALINET) for aerosol research: Diagnosis on network instrumentation
JL Guerrero-Rascado, E Landulfo, JC Antuña, HMJ Barbosa, B Barja, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 138, 112-120, 2016
Lamp mapping technique for independent determination of the water vapor mixing ratio calibration factor for a Raman lidar system
DD Venable, DN Whiteman, MN Calhoun, AO Dirisu, RM Connell, ...
Applied Optics 50 (23), 4622-4632, 2011
Characterization of the first superdeformed band in the A≈ 80 region
DR LaFosse, PF Hua, DG Sarantites, C Baktash, YA Akovali, M Brinkman, ...
Physics Letters B 354 (1-2), 34-40, 1995
LALINET: The first Latin American–born regional atmospheric observational network
JC Antuña-Marrero, E Landulfo, R Estevan, B Barja, A Robock, E Wolfram, ...
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 98 (6), 1255-1275, 2017
Tropospheric aerosol observations in São Paulo, Brazil using a compact lidar system
E Landulfo, A Papayannis, AZ De Freitas, ND Vieira Jr, RF Souza, ...
International journal of remote sensing 26 (13), 2797-2816, 2005
Comments on “Accuracy of Raman lidar water vapor calibration and its applicability to long-term measurements”
DN Whiteman, D Venable, E Landulfo
Applied Optics 50 (15), 2170-2176, 2011
Air quality assessment using a multi-instrument approach and air quality indexing in an urban area
E Landulfo, CA Matos, AS Torres, P Sawamura, ST Uehara
Atmospheric Research 85 (1), 98-111, 2007
Modeling of atmospheric aerosol properties in the São Paulo metropolitan area: impact of biomass burning
A Vara‐Vela, M de Fátima Andrade, Y Zhang, P Kumar, RY Ynoue, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 123 (17), 9935-9956, 2018
High-spin states and signature inversion in
E Landulfo, DF Winchell, JX Saladin, F Cristancho, DE Archer, J Döring, ...
Physical Review C 54 (2), 626, 1996
The relationship between aerosol particles chemical composition and optical properties to identify the biomass burning contribution to fine particles concentration: a case …
RM de Miranda, F Lopes, NÉ Do Rosário, MA Yamasoe, E Landulfo, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 189, 1-15, 2017
Laser decontamination of the radioactive lightning rods
AJ Potiens Jr, JC Dellamano, R Vicente, MP Raele, NU Wetter, ...
Radiation Physics and Chemistry 95, 188-190, 2014
Long term analysis of optical and radiative properties of aerosols in the Amazon Basin
R da Silva Palácios, K Sousa Romera, LFA Curado, NM Banga, ...
Aerosol and Air Quality Research 20 (1), 139-154, 2020
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Articles 1–20