Kamel Boukhalfa
Kamel Boukhalfa
Kiti vardaiK. Boukhalfa
Full Professor at The National Higher School of Artificial Intelligence (ENSIA) and USTHB University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Deep learning for tomato diseases: classification and symptoms visualization
M Brahimi, K Boukhalfa, A Moussaoui
Applied Artificial Intelligence 31 (4), 299-315, 2017
Deep learning for plant diseases: detection and saliency map visualisation
M Brahimi, M Arsenovic, S Laraba, S Sladojevic, K Boukhalfa, ...
Human and machine learning: Visible, explainable, trustworthy and …, 2018
Social big data mining: A survey focused on opinion mining and sentiments analysis
I Guellil, K Boukhalfa
2015 12th international symposium on programming and systems (ISPS), 1-10, 2015
An evolutionary approach to schema partitioning selection in a data warehouse
L Bellatreche, K Boukhalfa
International Conference on Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery, 115-125, 2005
Deep interpretable architecture for plant diseases classification
M Brahimi, S Mahmoudi, K Boukhalfa, A Moussaoui
2019 signal processing: Algorithms, architectures, arrangements, and …, 2019
Saga: A combination of genetic and simulated annealing algorithms for physical data warehouse design
L Bellatreche, K Boukhalfa, HI Abdalla
Flexible and Efficient Information Handling: 23rd British National …, 2006
Referential horizontal partitioning selection problem in data warehouses: Hardness study and selection algorithms
L Bellatreche, K Boukhalfa, P Richard, KY Woameno
International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining (IJDWM) 5 (4), 1-23, 2009
Ingénierie des systèmes d'information
C Cauvet, C Rosenthal-Sabroux
Hermès Science, 2001
Data partitioning in data warehouses: Hardness study, heuristics and oracle validation
L Bellatreche, K Boukhalfa, P Richard
Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery: 10th International Conference …, 2008
Sentiment analysis of Twitter messages using word2vec by weighted average
KA Djaballah, K Boukhalfa, O Boussaid
2019 Sixth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management …, 2019
De la conception physique aux outils d'administration et de tuning des entrepôts de données
K Boukhalfa
ISAE-ENSMA Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Mécanique et d'Aérotechique-Poitiers, 2009
Optimizing the cost of DBaaS object placement in hybrid storage systems
D Boukhelef, J Boukhobza, K Boukhalfa, H Ouarnoughi, L Lemarchand
Future Generation Computer Systems 93, 176-187, 2019
Yet another algorithms for selecting bitmap join indexes
L Bellatreche, K Boukhalfa
Data Warehousing and Knowledge Discovery: 12th International Conference …, 2010
Pruning search space of physical database design
L Bellatreche, K Boukhalfa, M Mohania
Database and Expert Systems Applications: 18th International Conference …, 2007
Designing data cubes in OLAP systems: a decision makers’ requirements-based approach
R Djiroun, K Boukhalfa, Z Alimazighi
Cluster Computing 22, 783-803, 2019
Optimizing druid with roaring bitmaps
S Chambi, D Lemire, R Godin, K Boukhalfa, CR Allen, F Yang
Proceedings of the 20th International Database Engineering & Applications …, 2016
Multi-objective optimization of data placement in a storage-as-a-service federated cloud
A Chikhaoui, L Lemarchand, K Boukhalfa, J Boukhobza
ACM Transactions on Storage (TOS) 17 (3), 1-32, 2021
A new approach for the detection and analysis of phishing in social networks: the case of Twitter
KA Djaballah, K Boukhalfa, Z Ghalem, O Boukerma
2020 Seventh International Conference on Social Networks Analysis …, 2020
Human and machine learning
M Brahimi, M Arsenovic, S Laraba, S Sladojevic, K Boukhalfa, ...
2018 Deep learning for plant diseases Detection and saliency map …, 2018
Fragmentation primaire et dérivée: étude de complexité, algorithmes de sélection et validation sous oracle10g
K Boukhalfa, L Bellatreche, P Richard
Proc. Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information (EDA 2008), 2008
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