Boris Podobnik
Boris Podobnik
University of Rijeka
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Detrended Cross-Correlation Analysis: A New Method<? format?> for Analyzing Two Nonstationary Time Series
B Podobnik, HE Stanley
Physical review letters 100 (8), 084102, 2008
Cross-correlations between volume change and price change
B Podobnik, D Horvatic, AM Petersen, HE Stanley
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (52), 22079-22084, 2009
Statistical tests for power-law cross-correlated processes
B Podobnik, ZQ Jiang, WX Zhou, HE Stanley
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (6 …, 2011
Social physics
M Jusup, P Holme, K Kanazawa, M Takayasu, I Romić, Z Wang, S Geček, ...
Physics Reports 948, 1-148, 2022
Quantifying cross-correlations using local and global detrending approaches
B Podobnik, I Grosse, D Horvatić, S Ilic, PC Ivanov, HE Stanley
The European Physical Journal B 71, 243-250, 2009
Spontaneous recovery in dynamical networks
A Majdandzic, B Podobnik, SV Buldyrev, DY Kenett, S Havlin, ...
Nature Physics 10 (1), 34-38, 2014
Detrended cross-correlation analysis for non-stationary time series with periodic trends
D Horvatic, HE Stanley, B Podobnik
Europhysics Letters 94 (1), 18007, 2011
Punishment diminishes the benefits of network reciprocity in social dilemma experiments
X Li, M Jusup, Z Wang, H Li, L Shi, B Podobnik, HE Stanley, S Havlin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (1), 30-35, 2018
Common scaling patterns in intertrade times of US stocks
PC Ivanov, A Yuen, B Podobnik, Y Lee
Physical Review E 69 (5), 056107, 2004
Time-lag cross-correlations in collective phenomena
B Podobnik, D Wang, D Horvatic, I Grosse, HE Stanley
Europhysics Letters 90 (6), 68001, 2010
Detrended partial cross-correlation analysis of two nonstationary time series influenced by common external forces
XY Qian, YM Liu, ZQ Jiang, B Podobnik, WX Zhou, HE Stanley
Physical Review E 91 (6), 062816, 2015
Calling patterns in human communication dynamics
ZQ Jiang, WJ Xie, MX Li, B Podobnik, WX Zhou, HE Stanley
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (5), 1600-1605, 2013
Influence of corruption on economic growth rate and foreign investment
B Podobnik, J Shao, D Njavro, PC Ivanov, HE Stanley
The European Physical Journal B 63, 547-550, 2008
Linking agent-based models and stochastic models of financial markets
L Feng, B Li, B Podobnik, T Preis, HE Stanley
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109 (22), 8388-8393, 2012
Quantifying and modeling long-range cross correlations in multiple time series with applications to world stock indices
D Wang, B Podobnik, D Horvatić, HE Stanley
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 83 (4 …, 2011
Modeling long-range cross-correlations in two-component ARFIMA and FIARCH processes
B Podobnik, D Horvatic, AL Ng, HE Stanley, PC Ivanov
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 387 (15), 3954-3959, 2008
Changes in cross-correlations as an indicator for systemic risk
Z Zheng, B Podobnik, L Feng, B Li
Scientific reports 2 (1), 888, 2012
Power-law autocorrelated stochastic processes with long-range cross-correlations
B Podobnik, DF Fu, HE Stanley, PC Ivanov
The European Physical Journal B 56, 47-52, 2007
Scaling properties of extreme price fluctuations in Bitcoin markets
S Begušić, Z Kostanjčar, HE Stanley, B Podobnik
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 510, 400-406, 2018
Quantitative relations between corruption and economic factors
J Shao, PC Ivanov, B Podobnik, HE Stanley
The European physical journal B 56, 157-166, 2007
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