Barbara Bojko
Barbara Bojko
Nicolaus Copernicus University (UMK), Torun, Poland
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Advances in solid phase microextraction and perspective on future directions
N Reyes-Garces, E Gionfriddo, GA Gómez-Ríos, MN Alam, E Boyacı, ...
Analytical chemistry 90 (1), 302-360, 2017
A critical review of the state of the art of solid-phase microextraction of complex matrices III. Bioanalytical and clinical applications
ÉA Souza-Silva, N Reyes-Garcés, GA Gómez-Ríos, E Boyacı, B Bojko, ...
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 71, 249-264, 2015
SPME–Quo vadis?
B Bojko, E Cudjoe, GA Gómez-Ríos, K Gorynski, R Jiang, ...
Analytica Chimica Acta 750, 132-151, 2012
Targeting mitochondria with avocatin B induces selective leukemia cell death
EA Lee, L Angka, SG Rota, T Hanlon, A Mitchell, R Hurren, XM Wang, ...
Cancer research 75 (12), 2478-2488, 2015
Solid-phase microextraction in metabolomics
B Bojko, N Reyes-Garcés, V Bessonneau, K Goryński, F Mousavi, ...
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 61, 168-180, 2014
Biocompatible solid-phase microextraction nanoelectrospray ionization: an unexploited tool in bioanalysis
GA Gómez-Ríos, N Reyes-Garcés, B Bojko, J Pawliszyn
Analytical chemistry 88 (2), 1259-1265, 2016
Competitive binding of phenylbutazone and colchicine to serum albumin in multidrug therapy: a spectroscopic study
A Sułkowska, M Maciążek-Jurczyk, B Bojko, J Rownicka, I Zubik-Skupień, ...
Journal of Molecular Structure 881 (1-3), 97-106, 2008
Solid-phase microextraction: a complementary in vivo sampling method to microdialysis.
E Cudjoe, B Bojko, I de Lannoy, V Saldivia, J Pawliszyn
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 52 (46), 2013
Interaction of anticancer drugs with human and bovine serum albumin
A Sułkowska, J Równicka, B Bojko, W Sułkowski
Journal of Molecular Structure 651, 133-140, 2003
Fast quantitation of target analytes in small volumes of complex samples by matrix‐compatible solid‐phase microextraction devices
H Piri‐Moghadam, F Ahmadi, GA Gómez‐Ríos, E Boyacı, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 55 (26), 7510-7514, 2016
Quantitative structure–retention relationships models for prediction of high performance liquid chromatography retention time of small molecules: endogenous metabolites and …
K Goryński, B Bojko, A Nowaczyk, A Buciński, J Pawliszyn, R Kaliszan
Analytica chimica acta 797, 13-19, 2013
Introduction of solid-phase microextraction as a high-throughput sample preparation tool in laboratory analysis of prohibited substances
E Boyacı, K Gorynski, A Rodriguez-Lafuente, B Bojko, J Pawliszyn
Analytica chimica acta 809, 69-81, 2014
Cell cultures in drug discovery and development: The need of reliable in vitro-in vivo extrapolation for pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics assessment
K Jaroch, A Jaroch, B Bojko
Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis 147, 297-312, 2018
A non-invasive method for in vivo skin volatile compounds sampling
R Jiang, E Cudjoe, B Bojko, T Abaffy, J Pawliszyn
Analytica chimica acta 804, 111-119, 2013
High throughput quantification of prohibited substances in plasma using thin film solid phase microextraction
N Reyes-Garcés, B Bojko, J Pawliszyn
Journal of Chromatography A 1374, 40-49, 2014
In vivo solid‐phase microextraction for sampling of oxylipins in brain of awake, moving rats
A Napylov, N Reyes‐Garces, G Gomez‐Rios, M Olkowicz, S Lendor, ...
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59 (6), 2392-2398, 2020
Solid phase microextraction devices prepared on plastic support as potential single-use samplers for bioanalytical applications
N Reyes-Garcés, B Bojko, D Hein, J Pawliszyn
Analytical chemistry 87 (19), 9722-9730, 2015
Pharmacokinetics of tranexamic acid in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with use of cardiopulmonary bypass
V Sharma, J Fan, A Jerath, KS Pang, B Bojko, J Pawliszyn, JM Karski, ...
Anaesthesia 67 (11), 1242-1250, 2012
Cinnamaldehyde Characterization as an Antibacterial Agent toward E. coli Metabolic Profile Using 96-Blade Solid-Phase Microextraction Coupled to Liquid …
F Mousavi, B Bojko, V Bessonneau, J Pawliszyn
Journal of Proteome Research 15 (3), 963-975, 2016
Tranexamic acid dosing for cardiac surgical patients with chronic renal dysfunction: a new dosing regimen
A Jerath, QJ Yang, KS Pang, N Looby, N Reyes-Garces, T Vasiljevic, ...
Anesthesia & Analgesia 127 (6), 1323-1332, 2018
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