Outi Ratamäki
Cited by
Cited by
Benefits and limitations of the ecosystem services concept in environmental policy and decision making
J Hauck, C Gorg, R Varjopuro, O Ratamäki, K Jax
Environmental Science & Policy 25, 13–21, 2013
“Maps have an air of authority”: Potential benefits and challenges of ecosystem service maps at different levels of decision making
J Hauck, C Görg, R Varjopuro, O Ratamäki, J Maes, H Wittmer, K Jax
Ecosystem Services 3 (1), 2013
A spatial assessment of ecosystem services in Europe: Methods, case studies and policy analysis-phase 2 Synthesis report
J Maes, J Hauck, ML Paracchini, O Ratamäki, M Termansen, ...
it, 2012
Mainstreaming ecosystem services into EU policy
J Maes, J Hauck, ML Paracchini, O Ratamäki, M Hutchins, M Termansen, ...
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 5 (1), 128-134, 2013
Status and trends of European pollinators. Key findings of the STEP project.
Pensoft Publishers, 2015
Management of large carnivores in Fennoscandia: new patterns of regional participation
C Sandström, J Pellikka, O Ratamäki, A Sande
Human Dimensions of Wildlife 14 (1), 37-50, 2009
Yhteiskunnallinen kestävyys ja hallinta suomalaisessa susipolitiikassa
O Ratamäki
Joensuun yliopisto, 2009
Finland's wolf policy and new governance
O Ratamäki
The Journal of Environment & Development 17 (3), 316-339, 2008
Effective arguments for ecosystem services in biodiversity conservation–A case study on Finnish peatland conservation
E Albrecht, O Ratamäki
Ecosystem services 22, 41-50, 2016
Susia ja hevosia-maaseudun eläimet muutoksessa
O Ratamäki, N Schuurman
Maaseudun uusi aika 2 (2006), 36-46, 2006
A multilevel analysis on pollination-related policies
O Ratamäki, P Jokinen, P Sorensen, T Breeze, S Potts
Ecosystem Services 14, 133-143, 2015
How does biodiversity conservation argumentation generate effects in policy cycles?
P Jokinen, M Blicharska, E Primmer, A Van Herzele, L Kopperoinen, ...
Biodiversity and Conservation 27, 1725-1740, 2018
Luonto, kulttuuri ja yhteiskunta osana ihmisen ja eläimen suhdetta.
O Ratamäki
Ihmisten eläinkirja. Muuttuva eläinkulttuuri., 37-51, 2009
Emergent publics and affects in environmental governance
T Peltola, M Åkerman, J Bamberg, P Lehtonen, O Ratamäki
Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning 20 (2), 157-169, 2018
Salametsästys ja oikeuttamisen yhteisölliset strategiat
T Peltola, O Ratamäki, J Pellikka
Korpisosiologi(aa), 208-223, 2013
Nuorten ilmastohuoli ja ympäristökansalaisuuden muotoutuminen
E Albrecht, N Tokola, E Leppäkoski, J Sinkkonen, I Mustalahti, ...
Maapallon tulevaisuus ja lapsen oikeudet, 99, 2020
Kykenemmekö luopumaan susifetissistä?–Kriittinen luenta suomalaisesta susihistoriasta
H Lähdesmäki, O Ratamäki
Suden kanssa, 16, 2015
Pelkäätkö karhua, vihaatko sutta
O Ratamäki
Pro gradu–tutkielma, Joensuun yliopisto, Sosiologian laitos, 2001
Framing the peat: the political ecology of Finnish mire policies and law
O Ratamäki, P Jokinen, E Albrecht, A Belinskij
Fishing Culture, Animal Policy, and New Governance: A Case Study of Voluntary Catch-and-Release Fishing in Finland
P Salmi, O Ratamäki
The Angler in the Environment: Social, Economic, Biological, and Ethical …, 2011
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Articles 1–20