Nicole Mölders
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Cited by
Impact of urban effects on precipitation in high latitudes
N Mölders, MA Olson
Journal of Hydrometeorology 5 (3), 409-429, 2004
Investigations on meteorological conditions for elevated PM2. 5 in Fairbanks, Alaska
HNQ Tran, N Mölders
Atmospheric Research 99 (1), 39-49, 2011
Land-use and land-cover changes: impact on climate and air quality
N Mölders
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
On the dry deposition of ozone and reactive nitrogen species
G Kramm, R Dlugi, GJ Dollard, T Foken, N Mölders, H Müller, W Seiler, ...
Atmospheric Environment 29 (21), 3209-3231, 1995
Suitability of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model to predict the June 2005 fire weather for Interior Alaska
N Mölders
Weather and Forecasting 23 (5), 953-973, 2008
A comparison of two strategies on land surface heterogeneity used in a mesoscale β meteorological model
N Mölders, A Raabe, G Tetzlaff
Tellus A 48 (5), 733-749, 1996
A case study on wintertime inversions in Interior Alaska with WRF
N Mölders, G Kramm
Atmospheric Research 95 (2-3), 314-332, 2010
Numerical investigations on the influence of subgrid-scale surface heterogeneity on evapotranspiration and cloud processes
N Mölders, A Raabe
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 35 (6), 782-795, 1996
Lectures in meteorology
N Mölders, G Kramm
Springer, 2014
Climate drivers linked to changing seasonality of Alaska coastal tundra vegetation productivity
PA Bieniek, US Bhatt, DA Walker, MK Raynolds, JC Comiso, HE Epstein, ...
Earth Interactions 19 (19), 1-29, 2015
Influence of wildfire induced land-cover changes on clouds and precipitation in Interior Alaska—A case study
N Mölders, G Kramm
Atmospheric Research 84 (2), 142-168, 2007
Comparison of Canadian forest fire danger rating system and national fire danger rating system fire indices derived from Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model data for …
N Mölders
Atmospheric Research 95 (2-3), 290-306, 2010
Long-term investigations on the water budget quantities predicted by the hydro-thermodynamic soil vegetation scheme (HTSVS)–Part I: Description of the model and impact of long …
N Mölders, U Haferkorn, J Döring, G Kramm
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 84 (1), 115-135, 2003
Assessment of WRF/Chem PM 2.5 forecasts using mobile and fixed location data from the Fairbanks, Alaska winter 2008/09 field campaign
N Mölders, HNQ Tran, CF Cahill, K Leelasakultum, TT Tran
Atmospheric Pollution Research 3 (2), 180-191, 2012
On the impact of explicitly predicted runoff on the simulated atmospheric response to small-scale land-use changes—An integrated modeling approach
N Mölders, W Rühaak
Atmospheric research 63 (1-2), 3-38, 2002
Assessment of WRF/Chem to simulate sub–Arctic boundary layer characteristics during low solar irradiation using radiosonde, SODAR, and surface data
N Mölders, HNQ Tran, P Quinn, K Sassen, GE Shaw, G Kramm
Atmospheric Pollution Research 2 (3), 283-299, 2011
Influence of ship emissions on air quality and input of contaminants in southern Alaska National Parks and Wilderness Areas during the 2006 tourist season
N Mölders, SE Porter, CF Cahill, GA Grell
Atmospheric Environment 44 (11), 1400-1413, 2010
Long-term evaluation of the Hydro-Thermodynamic Soil-Vegetation Scheme’s frozen ground/permafrost component using observations at Barrow
N Mölders, VE Romanovsky
J. Geophys. Res 111 (D04105), D04105, 2006
On the uncertainty in mesoscale modeling caused by surface parameters
N Mölders
Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics 76 (1), 119-141, 2001
Atmospheric response to soil-frost and snow in Alaska in March
N Mölders, JE Walsh
Theoretical and applied climatology 77, 77-105, 2004
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Articles 1–20