Fujia Wu
Fujia Wu
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A study on emission performance of a diesel engine fueled with five typical methyl ester biodiesels
F Wu, J Wang, W Chen, S Shuai
Atmospheric environment 43 (7), 1481-1485, 2009
Uncertainty in stretch extrapolation of laminar flame speed from expanding spherical flames
F Wu, W Liang, Z Chen, Y Ju, CK Law
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (1), 663-670, 2015
An experimental investigation on self-acceleration of cellular spherical flames
F Wu, G Jomaas, CK Law
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 34 (1), 937-945, 2013
Flame speed and self-similar propagation of expanding turbulent premixed flames
S Chaudhuri, F Wu, D Zhu, CK Law
Physical Review Letters 108 (4), 044503, 2012
Oxygenated blend design and its effects on reducing diesel particulate emissions
J Wang, F Wu, J Xiao, S Shuai
Fuel 88 (10), 2037-2045, 2009
An experimental and mechanistic study on the laminar flame speed, Markstein length and flame chemistry of the butanol isomers
F Wu, CK Law
Combustion and Flame 160 (12), 2744-2756, 2013
Scaling of turbulent flame speed for expanding flames with Markstein diffusion considerations
S Chaudhuri, F Wu, CK Law
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 88 (3 …, 2013
Morphology and self-acceleration of expanding laminar flames with flame-front cellular instabilities
S Yang, A Saha, F Wu, CK Law
Combustion and Flame 171, 112-118, 2016
Laminar flame speeds of cyclohexane and mono-alkylated cyclohexanes at elevated pressures
F Wu, AP Kelley, CK Law
Combustion and Flame 159 (4), 1417-1425, 2012
Uncertainty analysis of the kinetic model prediction for high-pressure H2/CO combustion
X Li, X You, F Wu, CK Law
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (1), 617-624, 2015
Measurement and correlation of laminar flame speeds of CO and C2 hydrocarbons with hydrogen addition at atmospheric and elevated pressures
F Wu, AP Kelley, C Tang, D Zhu, CK Law
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 36 (20), 13171-13180, 2011
Propagation speeds of expanding turbulent flames of C4 to C8 n-alkanes at elevated pressures: Experimental determination, fuel similarity, and stretch-affected local extinction
F Wu, A Saha, S Chaudhuri, CK Law
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 35 (2), 1501-1508, 2015
Extreme role of preferential diffusion in turbulent flame propagation
S Yang, A Saha, W Liang, F Wu, CK Law
Combustion and Flame 188, 498-504, 2018
Extrapolation of laminar flame speeds from stretched flames: Role of finite flame thickness
W Liang, F Wu, CK Law
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (1), 1137-1143, 2017
Facilitated ignition in turbulence through differential diffusion
F Wu, A Saha, S Chaudhuri, CK Law
Physical review letters 113 (2), 024503, 2014
Laminar flame speeds and kinetic modeling of H2/O2/diluent mixtures at sub-atmospheric and elevated pressures
S Yang, X Yang, F Wu, Y Ju, CK Law
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (1), 491-498, 2017
Laminar flame propagation and nonpremixed stagnation ignition of toluene and xylenes
D Han, S Deng, W Liang, P Zhao, F Wu, Z Huang, CK Law
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 36 (1), 479-489, 2017
Effects of different biodiesels and their blends with oxygenated additives on emissions from a diesel engine
F Wu, J Wang, W Chen, S Shuai
SAE Technical Paper 2013, 2008-01-1812, 2008
On the rational interpretation of data on laminar flame speeds and ignition delay times
CK Law, F Wu, FN Egolfopoulos, V Gururajan, H Wang
Combustion Science and Technology 187 (1-2), 27-36, 2015
Further study on effects of hydrogen addition on laminar flame speeds of fuel-air mixtures
F Wu, AP Kelley, D Zhu, CK Law
7th US National Technical Meeting of the Combustion Institute, Atlanta, 1336 …, 2011
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Articles 1–20