J. Banerji
J. Banerji
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Measuring the topological charge of an optical vortex by using a tilted convex lens
P Vaity, J Banerji, RP Singh
Physics letters a 377 (15), 1154-1156, 2013
Higher order optical vortices and formation of speckles
SG Reddy, S Prabhakar, A Kumar, J Banerji, RP Singh
Optics Letters 39 (15), 4364-4367, 2014
Revealing the order of a vortex through its intensity record
S Prabhakar, A Kumar, J Banerji, RP Singh
Optics letters 36 (22), 4398-4400, 2011
Electron-atom ionising collisions in the presence of a low-frequency laser field
J Banerji, MH Mittleman
Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 14 (19), 3717, 1981
Divergence of optical vortex beams
SG Reddy, C Permangatt, S Prabhakar, A Anwar, J Banerji, RP Singh
Applied Optics 54 (22), 6690-6693, 2015
Hollow Gaussian beam generation through nonlinear interaction of photons with orbital angular momentum
NA Chaitanya, MV Jabir, J Banerji, GK Samanta
Scientific reports 6 (1), 32464, 2016
Coherent states for exactly solvable potentials
T Shreecharan, PK Panigrahi, J Banerji
Physical Review A 69 (1), 012102, 2004
Spatial coherence and information entropy in optical vortex fields
GS Agarwal, J Banerji
Optics letters 27 (10), 800-802, 2002
Mesoscopic superposition and sub-Planck-scale structure in molecular wave packets
S Ghosh, A Chiruvelli, J Banerji, PK Panigrahi
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 73 (1), 013411, 2006
Propagation of an arbitrary vortex pair through an astigmatic optical system and determination of its topological charge
SG Reddy, S Prabhakar, A Aadhi, J Banerji, RP Singh
JOSA A 31 (6), 1295-1302, 2014
Charge transfer and ionisation processes in collisions involving atoms and ions of hydrogen and helium
SL Willis, G Peach, MRC McDowell, J Banerji
Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics 18 (19), 3939, 1985
Intensity correlation properties of high-order optical vortices passing through a rotating ground-glass plate
A Kumar, J Banerji, RP Singh
Optics letters 35 (22), 3841-3843, 2010
Comparison of lower-and higher-order nonclassicality in photon added and subtracted squeezed coherent states
K Thapliyal, NL Samantray, J Banerji, A Pathak
Physics Letters A 381 (37), 3178-3187, 2017
Entanglement by linear SU (2) transformations: generation and evolution of quantum vortex states
GS Agarwal, J Banerji
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39 (37), 11503, 2006
Fractional revivals in systems with two time scales
GS Agarwal, J Banerji
Physical Review A 57 (5), 3880, 1998
High power, higher order ultrafast hollow Gaussian beams
N Apurv Chaitanya, A Chaitanya, J Banerji, GK Samanta
Applied Physics Letters 110 (21), 2017
Critical coupling at oblique incidence
S Deb, SD Gupta, J Banerji, SD Gupta
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics 9 (7), 555, 2007
Hanbury Brown–Twiss-type experiments with optical vortices and observation of modulated intensity correlation on scattering from rotating ground glass
A Kumar, J Banerji, RP Singh
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 86 (1), 013825, 2012
Revival and fractional revival in the quantum dynamics of SU (1, 1) coherent states
J Banerji, GS Agarwal
Physical Review A 59 (6), 4777, 1999
Quantum evolution of classical nonlinear eigenmode in parametric interaction and realization in traps with ions
GS Agarwal, J Banerji
Physical Review A 55 (6), R4007, 1997
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Articles 1–20