Hyoung Suk Park
Hyoung Suk Park
Senior Researcher, National Institute for Mathematical Sciences
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RETOUCH: The retinal OCT fluid detection and segmentation benchmark and challenge
H Bogunović, F Venhuizen, S Klimscha, S Apostolopoulos, ...
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 38 (8), 1858-1874, 2019
CT sinogram‐consistency learning for metal‐induced beam hardening correction
HS Park, SM Lee, HP Kim, JK Seo, YE Chung
Medical physics 45 (12), 5376-5384, 2018
Metal artifact reduction for polychromatic X-ray CT based on a beam-hardening corrector
HS Park, D Hwang, JK Seo
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 35 (2), 480-487, 2015
Unpaired image denoising using a generative adversarial network in X-ray CT
HS Park, J Baek, SK You, JK Choi, JK Seo
IEEE Access 7, 110414-110425, 2019
Computed tomographic beam-hardening artefacts: mathematical characterization and analysis
HS Park, YE Chung, JK Seo
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical …, 2015
Inverse problem in quantitative susceptibility mapping
JK Choi, HS Park, S Wang, Y Wang, JK Seo
SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences 7 (3), 1669-1689, 2014
Metal artifact reduction in CT by identifying missing data hidden in metals
HS Park, JK Choi, KR Park, KS Kim, SH Lee, JC Ye, JK Seo
Journal of X-ray science and technology 21 (3), 357-372, 2013
Characterization of metal artifacts in X‐ray computed tomography
HS Park, JK Choi, JK Seo
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 70 (11), 2191-2217, 2017
Deep neural networks for the detection and segmentation of the retinal fluid in OCT images
SH Kang, HS Park, J Jang, K Jeon
MICCAI Retinal OCT Fluid Challenge (RETOUCH), 2017
Deep learning method for reducing metal artifacts in dental cone-beam CT using supplementary information from intra-oral scan
CM Hyun, T Bayaraa, HS Yun, TJ Jang, HS Park, JK Seo
Physics in Medicine & Biology 67 (17), 175007, 2022
Diagnostic performance of a new convolutional neural network algorithm for detecting developmental dysplasia of the hip on anteroposterior radiographs
HS Park, K Jeon, YJ Cho, SW Kim, SB Lee, G Choi, S Lee, YH Choi, ...
Korean journal of radiology 22 (4), 612, 2020
Machine-learning-based nonlinear decomposition of CT images for metal artifact reduction
HS Park, SM Lee, HP Kim, JK Seo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.00244, 2017
Three-dimensional vector analysis of mandibular structural asymmetry
KR Park, HS Park, Z Piao, MK Kim, HS Yu, JK Seo, SH Lee
Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery 41 (4), 338-344, 2013
Restoration of amyloid PET images obtained with short-time data using a generative adversarial networks framework
YJ Jeong, HS Park, JE Jeong, HJ Yoon, K Jeon, K Cho, DY Kang
Scientific reports 11 (1), 4825, 2021
A fidelity‐embedded learning for metal artifact reduction in dental CBCT
HS Park, JK Seo, CM Hyun, SM Lee, K Jeon
Medical Physics 49 (8), 5195-5205, 2022
Denoising of pediatric low dose abdominal CT using deep learning based algorithm
HS Park, K Jeon, JE Lee, SK You
Plos one 17 (1), e0260369, 2022
Low-dose CT image reconstruction with a deep learning prior
HS Park, K Kim, K Jeon
IEEE Access 8, 158647-158655, 2020
Towards beam hardening correction for polychromatic X-ray CT
HS Park, H Gao, SM Lee, JK Seo
Journal of Computational Mathematics, 671-682, 2016
Unpaired-paired learning for shading correction in cone-beam computed tomography
HS Park, K Jeon, SH Lee, JK Seo
IEEE Access 10, 26140-26148, 2022
A model‐based sinogram correction for beam hardening artifact reduction in CT
SM Lee, JK Seo, YE Chung, J Baek, HS Park
Medical physics 44 (9), e147-e152, 2017
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