Han Wang
Han Wang
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Cited by
Native defects in second-generation topological insulators: Effect of spin-orbit interaction on BiSe
D West, YY Sun, H Wang, J Bang, SB Zhang
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (12), 121201, 2012
The role of collective motion in the ultrafast charge transfer in van der Waals heterostructures
H Wang, J Bang, Y Sun, L Liang, D West, V Meunier, S Zhang
Nature communications 7 (1), 11504, 2016
Three-dimensional Pentagon Carbon with a genesis of emergent fermions
SAYSZ Chengyong Zhong, Yuanping Chen, Zhi-Ming Yu, Yuee Xie, Han Wang
Nat. Commun. 8, 15641, 2017
Emergence of Nontrivial Low‐Energy Dirac Fermions in Antiferromagnetic EuCd2As2
J Ma, H Wang, S Nie, C Yi, Y Xu, H Li, J Jandke, W Wulfhekel, Y Huang, ...
Advanced Materials 32 (14), 1907565, 2020
Carbon kagome lattice and orbital-frustration-induced metal-insulator transition for optoelectronics
Y Chen, YY Sun, H Wang, D West, Y Xie, J Zhong, V Meunier, ML Cohen, ...
Physical review letters 113 (8), 085501, 2014
Revealing electronic state-switching at conical intersections in alkyl iodides by ultrafast XUV transient absorption spectroscopy
DMNSRL Kristina F. Chang, Maurizio Reduzzi, Han Wang, Sonia M. Poullain ...
Nature Communications 11, 4042, 2020
Photoinduced Vacancy Ordering and Phase Transition in MoTe2
C Si, D Choe, W Xie, H Wang, Z Sun, J Bang, S Zhang
Nano Letters 19 (6), 3612-3617, 2019
Semimetal or Semiconductor: The Nature of High Intrinsic Electrical Conductivity in TiS2
H Wang, Z Qiu, W Xia, C Ming, Y Han, L Cao, J Lu, P Zhang, S Zhang, ...
The journal of physical chemistry letters 10 (22), 6996-7001, 2019
Sb doping behavior and its effect on crystal structure, conductivity and photoluminescence of ZnO film in depositing and annealing processes
T Yang, B Yao, TT Zhao, GZ Xing, H Wang, HL Pan, R Deng, YR Sui, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (17), 5426-5430, 2011
Enhanced light emission from the ridge of two-dimensional InSe flakes
Y Li, T Wang, H Wang, Z Li, Y Chen, D West, R Sankar, RK Ulaganathan, ...
Nano letters 18 (8), 5078-5084, 2018
Stacking fault enriching the electronic and transport properties of few-layer phosphorenes and black phosphorus
S Lei, H Wang, L Huang, YY Sun, S Zhang
Nano letters 16 (2), 1317-1322, 2016
Theoretical prediction of a graphene-like structure of indium nitride: A promising excellent material for optoelectronics
Q Peng, X Sun, H Wang, Y Yang, X Wen, C Huang, S Liu, S De
Applied Materials Today 7, 169-178, 2017
Mechanistic advantages of organotin molecular EUV photoresists
JH Ma, C Needham, H Wang, A Neureuther, D Prendergast, P Naulleau
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 (4), 5514-5524, 2022
Mapping wave packet bifurcation at a conical intersection in CH3I by attosecond XUV transient absorption spectroscopy
KF Chang, H Wang, SM Poullain, D Prendergast, DM Neumark, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 154 (23), 2021
Backbonding contributions to small molecule chemisorption in a metal–organic framework with open copper (i) centers
GM Su, H Wang, BR Barnett, JR Long, D Prendergast, WS Drisdell
Chemical Science 12 (6), 2156-2164, 2021
Interface depended electronic and magnetic properties of vertical CrI 3/WSe 2 heterostructures
M Ge, Y Su, H Wang, G Yang, J Zhang
RSC advances 9 (26), 14766-14771, 2019
Enhanced valley splitting of WSe2 in twisted van der Waals WSe2/CrI3 heterostructures
M Ge, H Wang, J Wu, C Si, J Zhang, S Zhang
npj Computational Materials 8 (1), 32, 2022
Probing ultrafast C–Br bond fission in the UV photochemistry of bromoform with core-to-valence transient absorption spectroscopy
BW Toulson, M Borgwardt, H Wang, F Lackner, AS Chatterley, ...
Structural Dynamics 6 (5), 2019
Conical intersection and coherent vibrational dynamics in alkyl iodides captured by attosecond transient absorption spectroscopy
KF Chang, H Wang, SM Poullain, J González-Vázquez, L Bañares, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 156 (11), 2022
Carrier Dynamics and Transfer across the CdS/MoS2 Interface upon Optical Excitation
K Cheng, H Wang, J Bang, D West, J Zhao, S Zhang
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11 (16), 6544-6550, 2020
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