Stephen K. Gray
Cited by
Cited by
Nanostructured plasmonic sensors
ME Stewart, CR Anderton, LB Thompson, J Maria, SK Gray, JA Rogers, ...
Chemical reviews 108 (2), 494-521, 2008
Surface plasmon generation and light transmission by isolated nanoholes and arrays of nanoholes in thin metal films
SH Chang, SK Gray, GC Schatz
Optics Express 13 (8), 3150-3165, 2005
Reversing the size-dependence of surface plasmon resonances
S Peng, JM McMahon, GC Schatz, SK Gray, Y Sun
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (33), 14530-14534, 2010
Quantum dynamics with real wave packets, including application to three-dimensional reactive scattering
SK Gray, GG Balint-Kurti
The Journal of chemical physics 108 (3), 950-962, 1998
Quantitative multispectral biosensing and 1D imaging using quasi-3D plasmonic crystals
ME Stewart, NH Mack, V Malyarchuk, JANT Soares, TW Lee, SK Gray, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 103 (46), 17143-17148, 2006
Plasmonics in the ultraviolet with the poor metals Al, Ga, In, Sn, Tl, Pb, and Bi
JM McMahon, GC Schatz, SK Gray
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (15), 5415-5423, 2013
Aluminium plasmonics
D Gérard, SK Gray
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 48 (18), 184001, 2014
Near-field dielectric scattering promotes optical absorption by platinum nanoparticles
N Zhang, C Han, YJ Xu, JJ Foley IV, D Zhang, J Codrington, SK Gray, ...
Nature Photonics 10 (7), 473-482, 2016
Surface plasmons at single nanoholes in Au films
L Yin, VK Vlasko-Vlasov, A Rydh, J Pearson, U Welp, SH Chang, SK Gray, ...
Applied physics letters 85 (3), 467-469, 2004
Unimolecular reactions and phase space bottlenecks
MJ Davis, SK Gray
The Journal of chemical physics 84 (10), 5389-5411, 1986
Nonlocal optical response of metal nanostructures with arbitrary shape
JM McMahon, SK Gray, GC Schatz
Physical review letters 103 (9), 097403, 2009
Propagation of light in metallic nanowire arrays: Finite-difference time-domain studies of silver cylinders
SK Gray, T Kupka
Physical review B 68 (4), 045415, 2003
Quantum-dot-induced transparency in a nanoscale plasmonic resonator
X Wu, SK Gray, M Pelton
Optics express 18 (23), 23633-23645, 2010
Excitation of dark plasmons in metal nanoparticles by a localized emitter
M Liu, TW Lee, SK Gray, P Guyot-Sionnest, M Pelton
Physical review letters 102 (10), 107401, 2009
Picosecond energy transfer and multiexciton transfer outpaces Auger recombination in binary CdSe nanoplatelet solids
CE Rowland, I Fedin, H Zhang, SK Gray, AO Govorov, DV Talapin, ...
Nature materials 14 (5), 484-489, 2015
Aluminum nanoparticles as substrates for metal-enhanced fluorescence in the ultraviolet for the label-free detection of biomolecules
MH Chowdhury, K Ray, SK Gray, J Pond, JR Lakowicz
Analytical chemistry 81 (4), 1397-1403, 2009
Near-field photochemical imaging of noble metal nanostructures
C Hubert, A Rumyantseva, G Lerondel, J Grand, S Kostcheev, L Billot, ...
Nano letters 5 (4), 615-619, 2005
Subwavelength light bending by metal slit structures
TW Lee, SK Gray
Optics Express 13 (24), 9652-9659, 2005
Tailoring the sensing capabilities of nanohole arrays in gold films with Rayleigh anomaly-surface plasmon polaritons
JM McMahon, J Henzie, TW Odom, GC Schatz, SK Gray
Optics express 15 (26), 18119-18129, 2007
Correlating the structure, optical spectra, and electrodynamics of single silver nanocubes
JM McMahon, Y Wang, LJ Sherry, RP Van Duyne, LD Marks, SK Gray, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113 (7), 2731-2735, 2009
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Articles 1–20